The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.


Mega Index

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Title Body Location Source Reference
Eunice Neill

ADT 5-30-1986 obituary, Ashland Schools

NE Vertical File Biographies
Mt. Ashland Ski Area

RVTimes 9-28-2024 article, New Lithia Chairlift

Mt. Ashland Vertical File Subjects
Mercy Flights

RVTimes 9-25-2024 articles, 75th Anniversary

Mercy Flights, Medford, OR. Vertical File Subjects
Bernard, Roger P.

RVTimes 10-2-2024 obituary, Celia's House, Providence Hospital, Asante Hospital

BE Vertical File Biographies
Cobb, Charles

RVTimes 9-20-2024 Obituary, South Medford High School Spiegelberg Stadium Custom turf field

CO Vertical File Biographies
Jean Louise Morgan 10-7-2024 obituary, Judy Bjorlie, Medford school district

Morgan Vertical File Biographies
Army Engineers and the Development of Oregon: A History of the Portland District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

William F. Willingham, 1980, signed by athuor.

620 W73 1980 Library
Pacific Power & Light Company 500 KV Line, UF 3182 PUC Staff Presentation, Salem, Oregon, December, 1975

Pacific Power & Light Company, 1975

621 06 Library
Gold Ray Dam and Power Plant

Joan Whitsett, 1960

621.31 W45 1960 Library
Oregon State Level Historic Documentation Green Springs Powerplant Rogue River Basin Project

Kelsey Doncaster, 2012

621.312 D 6 Pt.1 Library
First Stage Consultation Document Prospect Nos. 1,2 and 4 Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2630

PacificCorp, 2000

621.312 P 3 Library
Archeological Survey Research Design For Pacificorp Prospect Nos. 1,2 & 4 Hydroelectric Project

Christopher Thompson, Jason Cowan, and Gail Thompson, 2000

621.312 P31 Library
Historic Oregon Engineering Record Prospect Diversion Project Jackson County, Oregon

Natalie K. Perrin, 2010

621.312 P 33 Library
Formulation Working Document Grants Pass Division Rogue River Basin Project Oregon

Bureau of Reclamation, 1979

621.312 R Library
Water-Power Resources of the Rogue River Drainage Basin, Oregon

Benjamin E. Jones, Warren Oakey, and Harold T. Streans, 1932

621.312 U55 1932 Library
Green Springs Powerplant Rogue River Basin Project Pt.2


621.312 D6 Pt.2 Library
How to Service Radios with an Oscilloscope

Sylvania Electric Products Inc.

621.38 H69 Library
Color TV Servicing 2nd Edition

Walter H. Buchsbaum, 1969, television 

The Tools that Built America

Alex W. Bealer, 1976, wood working

621.9 B41 1976 Library
A Guide to the Makers of American Wooden Planes 3rd edition

Emil and Martyl Pollak, 1994

621.9 P77 1994 Library
A Book of Tools, Machinery and Supplies 1895

Chas A Strelinger & Co, 1991

621.9 S91 1991 Library
A Concise Handbook of Mines and Mining Property in Jackson County, Oregon

Robert L. Casebeer and Audrey M. Casebeer, 1957

622 C38 1956 Library
Gold Fever and The Art of Panning and Sluicing

Lois M. De Lorenzo, 1978

622 D36 1978 Library
Lost Mines and Treasures of the Pacific Northwest

Ruby El Hult, 1957, written on title page "Mary L. Hanley Christmas 1957 Florence and Jimmy"

622 H87 1957 Library
Treasure Hunting Northwest

Ruby El Hult, 1971, gold, mining

622 H87 1971 Library
Elements of Mining 2nd Edition

Robert S. Lewis, 1941

622 L49 1941 Library
Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the West

Thomas Probert, 1977

622 P76 1977 Library
Gold Mining in Siskiyou County 1850-1900

Gary D. Stumpf, 1979, The Siskiyou County Historical Society, Yreka, Occasional Paper No. 2

622 S92 1979 Library
American Miners' Carbide Lamps

Gregg S. Clemmer, 1987, acetylene lamp

622.028 C62 1987 Library
Talent News Flashes, 1954

Please visit the general Talent News Flashes page for further information. 

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