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Mega Index Sources

Displaying 1 - 30 of 170725
Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Bush, G. B.

McCall's Addition to Ashland, lot 1  (5  10)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Allen, N.

Estate, SE quarter of SE quarter and lot 4, section 2, and fraction of west half . NE quarter of NE quarter, section 11, township 39, range 1 W,…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Aleinder, S. A. and C. J.

East half of SW quarter and NW quarter of SW quarter and SE quarter of NW quarter, section 4, township 36, range 2 west, containing 160 acres (4…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Association. S. O. C.

NE quarter of SE quarter, section2, township 39, range 1 west, containing 40 acres; NE quarter of NW quarter and NW quarter of NE quarter and…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Arthur, J.M.

NW quarter, section 28, township 35, range 3 west, containing 160 acres (7 02)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Acres, F. H.

SE quarter of SE quarter, section 33, township 36, range 4 west, containing 40 acres (1 87)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Abbot, Mrs. L. M.

Tract in Water lots and Water lot 35 ( 91)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Amy, Mrs. J.

Lots 1 and 2, block 12 ( 66)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Axtell

Lot and house 3, block 10 (2 15)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Ayers, Elizabeth

House and lot 2, block 23, Chitwood tract (34 43)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Adlington, Mrs. Mary E.

Estate, NE quarter of NE quarter and lot 3 and south half of SE quarter, section 31, township 39, range 2 east, containing 129 acres (6 45)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Austin, A.

Cottage Home addition, lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, block 1 (6 90)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Anderson, A. E.

Lots 2 to 11 and 12 (16 79)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Arant, Samuel

North half of south half of SE quarter of NE quarter, section 6, township 39, range 1 east, contining 10 acres (6 89)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Allen, Mrs. Eriphemia

Commencing at NE corner, section 16, thence south on east line of said section 40 rods to SE corner of NE quarter said section, thence west on…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Brown, J. L.

West half of NW quarter, section 20, and NW quarter of SE quarter of NE quarter, section 21, township 34, range 1 east, containing 160 acres (7…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Breyman, O.

NW quarter of NW quarter, section 36, township 35, range 3 east, containing 40 acres (2 09)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Bresk, F.

NE quarter of NW quarter, section 36, township 35, range 3 east, containing 40 acres (2 09)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Bradley, J. A.

East half of NE quarter and NE quarter of SE quarter, section 22, and SW quarter of NW quarter, section 23, township 34, range 1 east, containing…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Boggs, H. L.

NE quarter of NE quarter, section 16, township 38 range 3 east, containing 40 acres; SW quarter of SE quarter, section 9, township 38, range 3…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Burton, R. J.

SE quarter of NW quarter, section 16, township 38, range 3 ease, containing 40 acres (2 34)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Best, Daniel

60 acres of SW quarter, section 35, township 38, range 1 east; NW quarter of NW quarter, section 2, township 39, range 1 east, containing 104…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Bayard, C. E.

NW quarter of SE quarter of NW quarter and all of that portion of SW quarter of NE quarter of NW quarter south of O. & C. R.R., section 14,…

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Brinner, G. W.

Tract of D. L. C. No. 67, containing 40 acres, section 35, township 38, range 1 west (1 91)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Burch, James A.

Lot 1, section 1, and tract of D. L. C. No. 37, township 38, range 2 west, containing 38 acres (15 60)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Bostwick, F. J.

Tract of D. L. C. No 61, section 33, township 36, range 2 west, containing 56 acres (11 70)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Burch, J.

SW quarter of SE quarter, section 24, township 38, range 2 west, containing 40 acres (1 74)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Bailey, Mrs. E.

Lot 3, block 26, ; one-half of lot 17, block 27 (6 84)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Benton, M. P.

South half of NE quarter, section 16, township 35, range 1 west, contining 80 acres (2 94)

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes Brisbane, D.

SW quarter of SE quarter, section 24, township 35, range 1 west, containing 40 acres (2 34))