The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.


Mega Index Sources

Displaying 1 - 56 of 56
To search for data in a specific source, return to the Search By Source page and enter the correct source title from the list below.
973.917 H: Ashland Soldiers in World War Two

14 articles about Ashland residents who served during World War II. Page…

Anderson Family Papers

This SOHS guide provides dates for significant events in Southern Oregon…

Boyle Collection, M81A-

John C. Boyle archives, see inventory for additional information,…

Century Farms of Oregon website

"The Oregon Century Farm & Century Ranch Program is a statewide…

City of Jacksonville Records

This inventory was completed by Chelsea Rose and Ben Truwe in 2015. 

Civil War Veterans Buried in the Historic Jacksonville Cemetery

A collection of biographical sketches and service records of all the known…

Direct entry

Miscellaneous items were entered directly into the database

Donation Land Claims in Jackson County

Refer to this page and to the Address Index page for information on Jackson…

Exhibit photos in large format

Most photos are on foam core or posterboard. Locations may not always be…

Fact Sheets, created by Southern Oregon Historical Society

917.952 S7 (full text pdf is attached to the record, but not available…

Fred Wagner Scrapbook

Photocopied scrapbook pages include many Ashland obituaries

Funeral notices

Original funeral notices received from various donors

George Wright descriptions

Wright was a range rider, and deputy sheriff in Siskiyou County He describes…

Hanley Inventory

Hanley family papers, and materials related to Mary Hanley and Southern…

History Snoopin', 979.5 M55

True Tales of Oregon and Northern California.
Written by William M.…

Hoffman Diary
Indian Artifacts Magazine

SOHS has several issues of this magazine, and provides indexing for articles…

JCGL Naturalization Index

RVGS website

Juror List

Index to Jackson County, Oregon Juror Lists 1854 - 1899, copied from the…

Keeney architectural plans
Knights of Pythias Applications


LithiaGraph, 979.527 A88

Newspaper published in Ashland, 1984-1985

Maps, Plans & Posters

These are inventoried online, and the print copy is on the Finding Aids…

Maps, Roger Roberts Collection

Please contact the Jackson County Genealogical Society if you wish to access…

Marjorie O'Harra Scrapbook

917.95 O33 1979  Newspaper articles written by Marjorie O'Harra. 7…

Marriage Certificates

MS271, filed by groom's last name. Online version shows bride, groom…

McCall Scrapbook

979.5281 M13 1958

Medford Mail Tribune Negatives

Mail Tribune Photo Negatives 1957-1987

In 1991 the Medford…

Medford Mail Tribune supplement

The Tribune supplement, OUR VALLEY, is indexed


SOHS holdings on various media are listed

Mezzanine List

Materials on the Mezzanine shelves have not been completely cataloged, but…

Military Lists, MS 1150

Jackson County Militia lists by year. 

Minorities of Early Jackson County, 979.527 A88

Book prepared by Kay Atwood. Subtitle: The Chinese, the Negroes, the Jews…

Moses Williams Diary, v. 14

The online index covers only v. 14 (in part 3, last volume). The full print…

MS457, Haines collection

Dr. Frank Haines collected stories and clippings from multiple sources. They…

Music Index
Oregon Historical Quarterly

Publication of the Oregon Historical Society. SOHS volunteers have indexed…

People and Notes; Southern Oregon Symphonic Band

Southern Oregon Symphonic Band and its predecessor Hillah Temple Shrine Band…

Pioneer Census, 317.95 L15

The notebook includes census data from 1853-1859 plus Donation Land Claim…

Pioneer Society Resolutions Index, MS517, Box 3

Brief biographies of southern Oregon Pioneer Society members


The Pioneer Society created this list of its members, with brief…


The SOHS Archives include a large collection of postcards, organized by…

Prehistory and History of the Rogue River National Forest

Jeff Lalande, author; includes place name explanations; chonology of the…

Prime Time Profiles from MMT

Medford Mail Tribune series, 1988-1998

Sheriff's Sale for Delinquent Taxes

Taken from the 1900 newspaper

Siskiyou Pioneer Index

SOHS Library includes many, but not all issues of the Siskiyou Pioneer Index…

Siskiyou Sites & Sagas

Yearbook of the Siskiyou Pioneer Sites Foundation, v.1 no. 1 and v.2 no. 2.…

SOHS Magazines

Our website include limited indexing for all SOHS Magazines from 1880…

SOHS Slides and Clippings
Umpqua Trapper index

Covers 1965-2021 Each entry contains at least one reference to an issue…

Vertical File Biographies

Our Vertical File biography information may be very brief, such as an…

Vertical File Subjects

Most subject folders in the Vertical File include multiple newspaper…

Walk Ashland website

Peter Finkle walks Ashland, Oregon and writes about his discoveries. His…

Where Past Meets Present, 979.5 P69

The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon. By Dennis…

World War Veterans Honor Roll

Oregon's Honor Roll, Names of Officers and Enlisted Men From Oregon Who…