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Siskiyou Pioneer Index

SOHS Library includes many, but not all issues of the Siskiyou Pioneer Index. This page provides details. 

To view the indexes as PDFs or to seek additional information, please visit the Siskiyou County Historical Society website. The entries in SOHS's Mega Index were copied from the online version of the index in Southern Oregon History, Revised.  Mistakes can occur, so if you are in doubt about an entry, you might check those sources. 

©Siskiyou County Historical Society, 2019
All rights reserved.

Hints for Using the Siskiyou Pioneer Index Files
    1. Check for various possible spellings (e.g. Cullen/Cullin; Frizelle/Frazell).
    2. Entries such as those below may or may not be the same person--hints might be
in the context of the article. The inconsistencies may be in the text or the index, or
Meamber, F.
Meamber, Fred
Meamber, Fred J.
Meamber, Fred J. Jr.
Meamber, Fred, Jr.
Meamber, Fred, Sr.

    3. In the issues published covering the years 1946 through 1951, volume numbers
and copy numbers were unfortunately duplicated, so the following changes were
made in the updated index entries for those years in an attempt to make it more

Old Entry | New Entry

1946 Covered Wagon | 1946 (May-June Covered Wagon)

1946 Vol. 1 No. 1 | 1946 Yearbook

1947 August | 1947 FFF

1947 Vol. 1 No. 2 | 1947 Yearbook

1948 August | 1948 FFF

1948 Vol. 1 No. 3 | 1948 Yearbook

1949 Vol. 1 No. 3 | 1949 FFF

1949 Vol. 1 No. 4 | 1949 Yearbook

1950 Vol. 1 No. 4 | 1950 FFF

1950 Vol. 1 No. 5 | 1950 Yearbook

1951 Vol. 1 No. 5 | 1951 FFF

1951 Vol. 2 No. 1 | 1951 Yearbook

    FFF represents the issues from 1946-1951 with the subtitle: "In Folklore, Fact and Fiction"
    Yearbook (YRBK on spine) represents the yearbook issues that were, until
1952, separate publications from the FFF editions. After that time the two books
were combined into one issue. Use the year and issue number for those.

Example: 1953 No. 3 or 1955 No. 7 rather than FFF and Yearbook
The volume numbers are not used in the index, only the issue number and the year. Most likely the spine on the book will only have the year and volume number due to space limitations of the cataloguing label system, so check the cover of the book for the year and issue number.
    4. PLEASE let us know of any errors you find. This was a long process of transcribing from an earlier cumulative index with an odd coding system and translating the codes into the more traditional system that utilizes year indicators and issue numbers. Mistakes were sometimes unknowingly copied from the original, and the early attempts at a cumulative index were riddled with pitfalls to trip up anyone trying to work with it. It was a noble effort on the part of those creating it.
    This project is ongoing and will include the index from the latest issue of the Siskiyou Pioneer as soon as it has been published, but we are relying on help from readers/researchers who stumble across any errors to let us know what they are. The most common errors seem to be where an entry has incorrect page numbers attached to it.
    Spellings of names are sometimes inconsistent within the same article, so we have left them as they originally appeared in the index, which usually matches the spelling in the text, but not always. In some cases an abbreviated name appeared in the text, but someone who knew the person's whole name added that version to the index. We cannot change the text, but hope researchers will let us know if an index entry should be changed to match the text entry.
    5. The pages upon which the ads appear at both the front and back of the issues (and later only at the back) were usually not given page numbers, so the location of individual ads is indicated in the index by the following phrases: "front ad section" or "back ad section." It is for the reader/researcher to scan though those pages in order to find the ad or photo accompanying an ad sought.
    6. The early editions up through about 1972 did not include an individual index. Indexing was done as a project in which a cumulative index was published covering the years 1946 through 1971. This index was the basis of the revised cumulative index covering 1946 through the current year. New, individual indexes were created for those issues not containing one, and these were used to translate the older coding system into the more traditional one using year indicator and issue number.
    7. Thank you for your help with this. We hope you will find this cumulative index starting with 1946 and up-to-date with the latest edition of the Siskiyou Pioneer to be helpful.