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Mega Index

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Title Body Location Source Reference
Takelmas and Other Tribes

compiled by Jeannette L. Lancaster, Jackson County Library Inservice Fall 1992

979.500497 Takelmas
The Siletz Indian Reservation 1855-1900

by William Eugene Kent. 1973. Portland State University Subjects include: removal of the tribes - The First Year, Reservation Garrison, Government…

970.495 K45 1977
Southern Route to Western Oregon 1846

by W.A. Moxley  Oregon Historical Society - Overland Documents Collection Surnames Pringle, Owens, Henderson, Applegate, Vanderpool, Scott,…

979.5 MOX
History of Trinity Episcopal Church Ashland, OR

by Earl R. Kirby

PAM 979.5281 K57 1961
Homelands of the Siskiyou Divide

An ethnography of American Indian Communities Traditional Ties to Oregon Caves National Monument and Vicinity by Douglas Deur 2008

979.525 D3
Cow Creek Valley Memories

The early settlers of Riddle, Oregon. 1971. by John M. Cornutt  signed by author in 1971

979.529 C67
Indian Wars of the Rogue River

by Dorothy and Jack Sutton Josephine County Historical Society.1969 includes Lupton massacre and next day killing spree of white miners and…

970.495 S97 1969
Religion as an Influence in Life and Thought

by ____ Farnham. typed manuscript. Indexed  many mentions of John Beeson. Religious development in Jackson County, Oregon

979.527 F37 1955 V.3
Episcopal Trinity Church History Ashland, Oregon

by Tom Paterson 1958

PAM 979.5281
Aboriginal Clay Figurines From the Rogue River Area

by Lyman Deich of the BLM 1977

970.3 R63 1978
Resilience of the Shasta Indian Community 1850-1900

A thesis submitted by the faculty of San Francisco State University... by Brian Isaac Daniels 2003 Includes: Theories about Cultural Change,…

970.3 S53 D3
Shasta Nation

Reference Material Complied by June Perez. Subjects include: First Contact; History of Jacksonville, Treaties 1854, Modoc Indians Fight U S Army,…

970.3 P47
The Indian and the White Man or the Indian in Self-Defense

by Right-Hand Thunder, Indian Chief. 1880 front cover missing

970.1 R53 1880
A Book of Indian Tales

Being Myths of the North American Indians by Charles Erskine Scott Wood - One time Lieutenant U S Army. 1929 Inscripted on inside " To Our dear…

970.11 W87 1929
The People and the River

by Elizabeth Heckert.1977. Signed by the author. A history of the Takelma Indians of the Upper Rogue River Country. John Beeson mentioned on p.…

970.3 R63 1977
Notes on the Takelma Indians of Southwestern Oregon

by Edward Sapir .1907 based on notes taken in the Summer of 1906 under the Bureau  of American Ethnology

970.3 R63 1907
The Takelma Indians of South Western Oregon

by Virginia D. Card. 1967 Report of a private study over a number of years to determine who lived here, how they lived, their ways of life, etc.…

970.3 R63 1967 c.2
Vincent Family History

compiled by Joseph Eugene Vincent. 1975.  

929.2 V55 1976
'The Schooner Alice' Maddox Family History

Family history of Maddox family as told through love letters, genealogies, oral history interview (SOHS OH #177 Rupert Bonney Maddox), newspaper…

929.2 W35
At Hand A Coming of Age Story in and of the Midwest

by Nancy Olson Jewett  Has a chapter about coming to Medford, Oregon to work in a friend's small orchard. Brief but Nice info on Women's work…

929.2 Streblow 2021
The Trail Blazers

by Alice (Turnidge) Hamot  Historical and Genealogical record of early pioneer families of Oregon, Missouri and the South published 1935 Book…

929.2 HAM 1935
The Royal Way West Vol 2

Crossing the plains diaries in 1853 Preacher Train, Combines Royal family diaries while crossing the plains with the following diaries and Lacon…

929.2 R69 1988
Over 200 years of data of Inlows in America 1658-1978

Inlow family history by Fred Elvin Inlow  Vol 1 and Vol 2 is titled "Oregon Pioneers and Related Families1844-1859 by the same author and…

929.2 I55 1982 Vol 1 and Vol 2
Cow Creek Valley Memories

The Early Settlers of Riddle, Oregon by John Cornutt signed by the author. 1971

979.529 C67 1971
Overview of the Environment of Native Inhabitants of SW Oregon, Late Prehistoric Era

Research by Reg Pullen US Forest Service Rogue River National Forest and BLM Medford, OR 1996. Includes subjects of Language, village locations,…

970.495 O96 1996 Copy 2
Living with the Land The Indians of Southwest Oregon

part of the proceedings of the 1989 Symposium on the Prehistory of Southwest Oregon edited by Nan Hannon and Richard K. Olmo 1990 The…

970.495 L78 1990 C.2
Deed, Ledger pages from Kubli Store, , letters, Newspaper clippings

2625.5 The Death of Gen. Wolfe

3031 Lease from David Walrad to Orville Dodge in Illinois 1861 just prior to Walrad coming west to Oregon…

M34 D 1c
D'Autremont Trial transcripts

Trial transcripts and statements from the D'Autremont brothers, witness lists etc. 

M34 D 1b & M34 D 1c
D'Autremont Trial transcripts

D'Autremont official trial transcripts, witness lists and statements etc. 

M34 D 1b & M34 D 1c
Gold Hill and its Neighbors along the River

by Linda Morehouse Genaw 1988. Table of Contents: Dardanelles, Mountain of Gold, Galls Creek, Sams Valley, Tolo, Sardine Creek, Foots Creek, Rock…

PAM 979.5824 G32 1988 C.1