The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
MMT-00329 | Rogue Elk Park Fishing--June 10, 1973 |
MMT-00330 | Rogue Ski Shop--October 17, 1973 |
MMT-00331 | Sacred Heart Auction--October 8, 1973 |
MMT-00332 | Secretaries Week--April 23, 1973 |
MMT-00333 | Southern Oregon Golf Ladies--August 31, 1973 |
MMT-00334 | Spinning Group, Mrs. Riley Cook--May 8, 1973 |
MMT-00335 | Storymobile Starting--April 1, 1974 |
MMT-00336 | Susan Pletsch, Home Economics Sewing--October 8, 1973 |
MMT-00337 | Talent Friends of the Library--September 5, 1973 |
MMT-00338 | Vietnam Orphan, Ashland--August 14, 1973 |
MMT-00339 | Women's Alcoholic House--April 25, 1973 |
MMT-00340 | Women's Symposium, Ashland--April 24, 1973 |
MMT-00341 | Yoga Class, October 23, 1973 |
MMT-00342 | YWCA Tour and Coffee, Jane Barrows, Lanny Hurst--August 19, 1973 |
MMT-00343 | 1973--Basketball, Medford Senior High School |
MMT-00344 | 1973--Basketball, St. Mary's High School |
MMT-00345 | 1973--Football, Crater High School |
MMT-00346 | 1973--Football, Medford Senior High School |
MMT-00347 | 1973--Football, Phoenix High School |
MMT-00348 | 1973--Football, Southern Oregon College |
MMT-00349 | 1973--Football, St. Mary's High School |
MMT-00350 | 1973--Pre-4H Fair--Promotional |
MMT-00351 | April 28, 1973--Britt Tea, Jacksonville |
MMT-00352 | No Date--Football, Ashland High School |
MMT-00353 | AAUW Ladies Pre-Tea--August 28, 1972--Medford |
MMT-00354 | AAUW Tea--Jacksonville--Mrs. Jackson Art Show, Jacksonville |
MMT-00355 | AAUW Terrariums--November 6, 1972 |
MMT-00356 | Airport Mrs. Pangburn September 9, 1972 |
MMT-00357 | Applegate Mrs. Anderson at SOSA--Oct. 9, 1972 |
MMT-00358 | Ashland Women's Club--October 4, 1972 |
MMT-00359 | Balloons, Oak Grove School--October 6, 1972 |
MMT-00360 | Book Browse Authors--October 18, 1972 |
MMT-00361 | Bybee-Howell House Wintering-in--September 30, 1972 |
MMT-00362 | Central Point Garden Club--November 6, 1972 |
MMT-00363 | Children and Moving Sculpture, Rogue Gallery--November 17, 1972 |
MMT-00364 | Cook-Price Wedding--August 16, 1972--Gold Hill |
MMT-00365 | Cooper Store, Jacksonville Fire Department--October 8, 1972 |
MMT-00366 | Cowboy Breakfast, Oregon Cattlemen and Cow Belles--November 17, 1972 |
MMT-00367 | Downtown Old House for Eva Hamilton, September 1972 |
MMT-00368 | Eagles Auxiliary Fashion Show--April 4, 1973 |
MMT-00369 | Frankie Burton--October 5, 1972 |
MMT-00370 | Golf Ladies--August 31, 1972--Rogue Valley Country Club |
MMT-00371 | Halloween Masks, 4th Grade Hoover School--October 13, 1972 |
MMT-00372 | Harvest Fair, Episcopal Church--October 27, 1972 |
MMT-00373 | Inner Peace Movement--March 19, 1973 sic |
MMT-00374 | Jack Adams & Holt Orphans at Manor--October 24, 1972 |
MMT-00375 | Junior Service League Dance, Advance--November 16, 1972 |
MMT-00376 | Junior Women's Club Dance Decor--October 30, 1972 |
MMT-00377 | Laubach Literacy--October 19, 1972 |
MMT-00378 | Little League Candy Sale--April 2, 1973 |