The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
MMT-00279 | 1971--St. Mary's Football |
MMT-00280 | 1971--Negatives of L. T. Holman |
MMT-00281 | AAUW Tea--September 8, 1973 |
MMT-00282 | Alba Kids at Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital--August 13, 1973 |
MMT-00283 | Applegate Barbecue and Auction--October 13, 1973 |
MMT-00284 | Art Auction Preview--July 25, 1973 |
MMT-00285 | Art Classes, Westminster Presbyterian Church--July 19, 1973 |
MMT-00286 | Art Exhibit from Children's Festival, Rogue Gallery--July 24, 1973 |
MMT-00287 | Blood Drawing, Red Cross--December 10, 1973 |
MMT-00288 | Britt Musicians Picnic--August 6, 1973 |
MMT-00289 | Camp Fire Girls' Day Camp, Denman Game Refuge--June 27, 1973 |
MMT-00290 | Cancer Society Lectures, Country Club--August 17, 1973 |
MMT-00291 | Central Point Garden Club--June 6, 1974 |
MMT-00292 | Chicano Kids, Hillcrest Camp--August 16, 1973 |
MMT-00293 | Christmas Shop Opening, Jacksonville--November 10, 1973 |
MMT-00294 | Church Women--July 30, 1973 |
MMT-00295 | DAR Constitution Day Exhibit, Library--September 17, 1973 |
MMT-00296 | E.R. League Luncheon--July 11, 1973 |
MMT-00297 | Ellen Nix & Violinist--October 17, 1973 |
MMT-00298 | Epsilon Sigma Alpha Candy Sale, Red Lion--September 17, 1973 |
MMT-00299 | Flag Day, Mrs. Walwyn--June 14, 1974 |
MMT-00300 | Gary Young--April 13, 1974 |
MMT-00301 | Geoffrey Lewis Exhibit, Paulsen House--December 1, 1973 |
MMT-00302 | Girl Scout Day Camp--June 20, 1973 |
MMT-00303 | Girl Scouts--June 7, 1974 |
MMT-00304 | Green Beret Sgt. Pat St. Clair--April 26, 1973 |
MMT-00305 | Gwen Harper, Camp Fire Girls Executive--November 5, 1973 |
MMT-00306 | Historical Workshop Picnic--May 19, 1973 |
MMT-00307 | Holt Orphans Picnic, Valley of the Rogue Park--June 24, 1973 |
MMT-00308 | In-Service Art Teacher Training, Washington School--October 23, 1973 |
MMT-00309 | Jackson School Playground Page |
MMT-00310 | Jacksonville Decoration, Boosters--December 1, 1973 |
MMT-00311 | Jacksonville Museum Activities, Children's Festival--July 16, 1973 |
MMT-00312 | Jim Redden Party--September 23, 1973 |
MMT-00313 | League of Women Voters ERA Bracelet--April 5, 1974 |
MMT-00314 | League of Women Voters Lunch--August 1, 1973 |
MMT-00315 | League of Women Voters Workshop--September 25, 1973 |
MMT-00316 | McLoughlin Junior High, Cans to Gospel Mission--November 21, 1973 |
MMT-00317 | Miss Rogue Valley Brunch--April 13, 1974 |
MMT-00318 | Miss Rogue Valley Lunch, Country Club--April 14, 1973 |
MMT-00319 | Miss Shady Cove Contestants, Medford Mini Park--August 20, 1973 |
MMT-00320 | Mrs. Ballard, Talent--September 25, 1973 |
MMT-00321 | Neighborhood Enrichment Program, Union Park--July 24, 1973 |
MMT-00322 | Neil Goldschmidt and Mayors--September 9, 1973 |
MMT-00323 | Old Oil Wagon, 120 Foster Kids, Central Point--October 15, 1973 |
MMT-00324 | Orchid Show--April 15, 1973 |
MMT-00325 | Pennies for Retarded Association--June 11, 1973 |
MMT-00326 | Phoenix High Play, Vladimir on Cat Tree--February 25, 1974 |
MMT-00327 | Preview Oktoberfest, Planned Parenthood--October 15, 1973 |
MMT-00328 | Rachel Griffin, Rogue Valley Art Association Lunch--September 24, 1973 |