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Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
Landis-41406 | Norman, Esther |
Landis-41407 | Campbell, Clyde |
Landis-41408 | Williams, Frank |
Landis-41409 | Frederick, Mrs. Richard: Matt |
Landis-41410 | Chase, Wayne |
Landis-41411 | Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. |
Landis-41412 | Barnes, Thurman |
Landis-41413 | Brindley, Ralph |
Landis-41414 | Van Ausdall, Mrs. Larry: Laura Jean |
Landis-41415 | Garrett, Sonia: Scott, Ross |
Landis-41416 | Peile, Mr. & Mrs. Edmond: family group |
Landis-41417 | Zundel, Mrs. Robert: Robin |
Landis-41418 | Birchfield, Mr. & Mrs. William |
Landis-41419 | Doty, S. R.: family group |
Landis-41420 | Schubel, William |
Landis-41421 | Swan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert |
Landis-41422 | Gutjahr, Gilbert |
Landis-41423 | Monia, Carol |
Landis-41424 | Littrell, Mrs. E. A. |
Landis-41425 | Pond, Mary Ellen |
Landis-41426 | Stensager, Olaf |
Landis-41427 | Reissland, Bernard-Rone, Luwella |
Landis-41428 | McCallister, Mr. & Mrs. Charles |
Landis-41429 | McGee, Marvin-Evans, Jane |
Landis-41430 | Lewis, Ellen |
Landis-41431 | Brandenburg Dr.: family group |
Landis-41432 | Reverman, D. J.: family group |
Landis-41433 | Harvey, Jean |
Landis-41434 | Dillon, Joyce |
Landis-41435 | Ward, Ron |
Landis-41436 | Hamlin, Mrs. W. M. |
Landis-41437 | Fellows, Milo: family group |
Landis-41438 | Preston, Sue |
Landis-41439 | Dames, Robert: three boys |
Landis-41440 | Case, Dr. L. |
Landis-41441 | Tyler, Cindy |
Landis-41442 | White, Mr. Fred G. |
Landis-41443 | Malot, Mr. & Mrs. Tom: group of three |
Landis-41444 | Rouhier, David-Meeker, Pat |
Landis-41445 | The Royals |
Landis-41446 | Leavitt, Mr. & Mrs. Art |
Landis-41447 | Marrs, Mr. & Mrs. Herman |
Landis-41448 | Attwooll, Mrs. Gladys |
Landis-41449 | Reed, Gary |
Landis-41450 | Ice, George |
Landis-41451 | Nunley, Walter: family group in home |
Landis-41452 | Humphrey, Mr. & Mrs. John: group in home |
Landis-41453 | Looper, Mrs. Harold |
Landis-41454 | Verstrate, Walley |
Landis-41455 | Witham Parts & Equip. Co. |