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Mega Index

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Searches Title and Description fields
Title Body Location Source Reference
Hargadine Cemetery Association records 1893-1943, including: 1970.057.2313a and b, .2314a and b, .

Hargadine Cemetery Association records 1893-1943, including:// 1970.057.2313a and b, .2314a and b, .2348, ..2349, // .2392 to .2412, .2415a to…

Mezzanine 24 C 3 Mezzanine List
Hutchinson donation

Hutchinson donation The National Magazine of Motor Boating, The National Magazine of Motor Boating-1958.6.14.7// Thank you note depicting a…

M 43 C 6 Mezzanine List
Photographs: Copco Dam, Medford Firefighters, Inlow family, Gold Ray Dam, Central Point Public School

Photographs: Copco Dam Site and Copco Work Crew - 4 loose snapshots
Copco Dam Construction and CopCo Lake - 1990.9-7
B&W Copco Dam…

M 43 A 1 Mezzanine List


Mezzanine 45 C 3 Mezzanine List
Inventory in box, 1991.6.5 Bigelow, 1991.3.6 Davies; 0850 Herriott, 1957.150.4 Herriott, 1961.022

Black and white photo 17 x 28cm, in folder. Photo of unidentified man in Sheriff's uniform-1991.6-5.7// Daily News, Medford, Oregon, May 21,…

M 42 F 2 Mezzanine List
Poster. Old Tyme Fair, Hawthorne Park, Letter from Pres. Bill Clinton, re: OR Trail Celebration

Poster. Old Tyme Fair, Hawthorne Park June 15-16, 1985 - 1993.93.7 // Handbill Save Our Children Coalition, Nov. 1992.- 1993.93.11 // Letter…

M 43 A 2 Mezzanine List
Miscellaneous documents, Jackson County, Appointment, E.H. Russell, Deputy Treasurer, Reports of water analysis.

Jackson County Or. Miscellaneous Legal Papers- 1962.253// Estray Notice, John E Ross found 5 horses Jan 29, 1865-1962.253.5// Petition for the…

M 43 B 6 Mezzanine List
Poster, "3D Movies" "Creature from the Black Lagoon, Newsletter, Booklet, "Southern Oregon Sunrise""The American's Bulletin,

11" x 17" Poster, yellow w/black print. "3D Movies" "Creature from the Black Lagoon plus it Came from Outer Space"…

M 43 A 3 Mezzanine List
Misc. Collection: Phipps Orchard, correspondence Lindsey Wood, A. J. Hanby

Watercolor print on heavy paper. Image of white two story home, lawn, rock wall, shrubs, and daffodils.-2003.20.1// Image of harvest at Phipps…

M 43 D 5 Mezzanine List
Inventory in box, 1995.060.01, .06, and .08 to .18 Truwe, 1999.124.2 to .7 Truwe, 1997.018.01 to

Inventory in box//1995.060.01, .06, and .08 to .18 Truwe, 1999.124.2 to .7 Truwe, // 1997.018.01 to .05 and .07 to .10 Truwe, 1997.027.2 Truwe…

Mezzanine 45 B 2 Mezzanine List


Mezzanine 45 C 7 Mezzanine List
Miscellaneous files: cancelled checks. Bank of Jacksonville 1913-15,photographs Alice M. Young and family

Two (2) cancelled checks. Bank of Jacksonville 1913-15. One issued by Lewis Ulrich, the other issued by Lewis Brothers 1913-4049//Collection of…

M 42 F 1 Mezzanine List
Flyer, Girl's Amicitia Club, Miscellaneous Saulsberry papers

Flyer, Girl's Amicitia Club will present "Mirandy's Minstrels"-1968.85.21.1// Miscellaneous Saulsberry papers-1968.85.21//…

M44 B 2 Mezzanine List
Miscellaneous papers: Receipt to Wm Bybee, Letter from Receipt to Wm Bybee

Church newsletter - issued to Mrs. N.M. Walker by the Methodist Episcopal church-2166// Receipt to Wm Bybee from Jackson Co. OR. dated 4 Mar 1876…

M 44 A 8 Mezzanine List
Misc. Soil Map of Medford, brochure, "Indian Wars of the Rogue Valley Oregon"

Inventory on box//1995.010.1 and .2 1913, "Soil Map of Medford Area, Oregon" and "Oregon, Medford Sheet 1911//
Black photo…

M 44 A 6 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box2001.068.1 McElroy, 2001.076.1 Lucas, 2001.083.1 and .2 Grimes, 2001.087.0007 t

Inventory on box//2001.068.1 McElroy, 2001.076.1 Lucas, 2001.083.1 and .2 // Grimes, 2001.087.0007 to .0013 Winkler Sr., John, // 2001.101.01…

Mezzanine 48 A 3 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box2004.002.1 Joy, 2004.017.32 to .35, .37 and .38 Potter, 2004.018.1 to .6 Anon.,

Inventory on box//2004.002.1 Joy, 2004.017.32 to .35, .37 and .38 Potter, // 2004.018.1 to .6 Anon., 2004.035.1 Payn, 2004.044.12 // and .13…

Mezzanine 48 C 6 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box; 1958.114.11 to .12 Hubbell, 1983.082.01 to .23 Watson, Ruby, 1987.1-2 Unk., 2

Inventory on box; //1958.114.11 to .12 Hubbell, 1983.082.01 to .23 Watson, Ruby, // 1987.1-2 Unk., 2004.001.30, .32, .33, and .38 Unk., //…

Mezzanine 48 D 8 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box; 1988.7-1 Wolfe, Mark; 1988.7-3 Peckham; 1993.036.1 PeckhamVHS videocassettes

Inventory on box; Order of the Eastern Star of Oregon, Silver anniversary 1915, Has photos of Mary E. McCall, Robert A. Miller, Julia Abraham,…

M 42 C 2 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box;1972.065.5b Wood, Marian, 2003.067.1 to .3 LaLande, 2004.078.4 LaLande, 2005.040.

Inventory on box;//1972.065.5b Wood, Marian, 2003.067.1 to .3 LaLande, //2004.078.4 LaLande, 2005.040.2 LaLande, 1992.040 LaLande, // 1978.024.…

Mezzanine 52 A 1 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box;2000.028..9.1 and .2 Goble, 2000.028.1, .2, .7, and .8 Goble, 2000.034.1 to .7

Inventory on box;//2000.028..9.1 and .2 Goble, 2000.028.1, .2, .7, and .8 Goble, // 2000.034.1 to .7 Goble, 2000.050.1 to .4 Segrest, 2000.055.1…

Mezzanine 47 F 5 Mezzanine List
Inventory on box;2004.089.1 Kjenstad, 2006.049.1 Hamilton, Terrance, 2006.056.1 Barr, Karen, 20

Inventory on box;//2004.089.1 Kjenstad, 2006.049.1 Hamilton, Terrance, // 2006.056.1 Barr, Karen, 2007.001.7 Unk, 1970-057.0224, // .0679 to .…

Mezzanine 51 F 3 Mezzanine List
Items removed from Beekman's Bank1. Loose - Set of cataloging records for a portion of the items r

Items removed from Beekman's Bank//1. Loose - Set of cataloging records for a portion of the items removed from the Beekman Bank in 1985//2…

Mezzanine 88 A 1 Mezzanine List

Folder: Newhall Mrs. Ada Belle Story 1977.49.3
Folder: Newspaper clippings, Articles 1970.185
Folder: Military Organization (Fraternal…

Mezzanine 38 D 2 Mezzanine List
Box contains: CONTENTS Envelope - 1984.109.02, .06, and .11 to 18 Jameson, Mary

Box contains: CATCHALL BOX--FILE CONTENTS//Envelope - 1984.109.02, .06, and .11 to 18 Jameson, Mary//Folder - 3519 Stratton//Envelope - 3975…

Mezzanine 35 B 6 Mezzanine List
Box contains: Research on Guin House

Box contains: Research on Guin House, Linda Wiesen, ND// Photocopies of the Central Point Morning News, 1979// Memories of Some of the Early…

Mezzanine 38 F 1 Mezzanine List
Box contains: Fiscal journals (Bonnar)Misc items: wedding invite

Box contains: Misc items: wedding invitations, pictures, entertainment // programs, etc;//1. 3200 Lynn, 3540 Carter, Anna, 1957.144.1 Warner,…

M 36 A 1 Mezzanine List
Incorporation of Medford, Medford, Financial Statement, 1932, Herschel Laughlin letter

Poem "To my mother" and newspaper clipping pasted to the back page "Eagle Point News" -1962.223.2

Copy of article of…

M 42 A 3 Mezzanine List
Box contains: INDEX MEMOIRS--COMPARE NOTES WITH FINAL TYPESCRIPT1. Notebook - "Memoirs of The Ear

Box contains: INDEX MEMOIRS--COMPARE NOTES WITH FINAL TYPESCRIPT//1. Notebook - "Memoirs of The Early Pioneer Families of // Southern…

M 36 B 4 Mezzanine List
Box contains: INVENTORY1. Folder - Misc. Jackson County documents2. Envelope - Misc. Jackson Cou

Box contains: INVENTORY//1. Folder - Misc. Jackson County documents//2. Envelope - Misc. Jackson County documents//3. Loose - Voter registration…

Mezzanine 36 D 2 Mezzanine List