The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.


Mega Index

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Title Body Location Source Reference
Records of Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources Association--minutes, correspondence, map

Records of Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources// Association--minutes, correspondence, maps, reports, flood newspaper clippings//…

Mezzanine 38 B 4 Mezzanine List
Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, June 1989 1989.05-1 1

Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society, Cont.//Books owned by Frankie…

Mezzanine 25 A 1.2 Mezzanine List
Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, June 1989 1989.05-1 2

Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society//Six framed photos and…

Mezzanine 25 A 1.1 Mezzanine List
Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, June 1989 1989.05-1 3

Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society//Many materials relating to the…

Mezzanine 25 A 2 Mezzanine List
Rossman collection continued

Rossman collection continued
7. Sky Lakes Users Guide in the Winema and Rogue River National Forests - USDA 2000.071.46 Rossman

Mezzanine 47 B 1.2 Mezzanine List
Rossman collection1. Geological Highway Map of the Pacific Northwest Region - Washington, Orego

Rossman collection//1. Geological Highway Map of the Pacific Northwest Region - // Washington, Oregon, Idaho (in part) 2000.071.20 Rossman//2.…

Mezzanine 47 B 1.1 Mezzanine List
Roy Bailey Donation: Military related records, ledgers, F. R. Neil ledger 1859-1916 Abstract

Roy Bailey Donation: Military related records, ledgers, // F. R. Neil ledger 1859-1916// Abstract of Title for several lots in the Imperial…

Mezzanine 30 F 1 Mezzanine List
School Registers; 1854-1929; 1 box, 1 bundle; Mrs. U. B. Inch. Jackson County Court 1956.036 I

School Registers; 1854-1929; 1 box, 1 bundle; Mrs. U. B. Inch. // Jackson County Court 1956.036 Inch//Jackson County School registers for:…

Mezzanine 34 E 1 Mezzanine List
School related items: The Scimitar, 1953 yearbook for American school for ARAMCO employee

School related items: Jacksonville School related items:// The Scimitar, 1953 yearbook for American school for ARAMCO-2023.1.4,

Mezzanine 28 B 1 Mezzanine List
Scrapbooks DISPOSE OF EMPTY SCRAPBOOKS, NON-LOCAL MATERIAL Book of portrait engravings, used in

Scrapbooks DISPOSE OF EMPTY SCRAPBOOKS, NON-LOCAL MATERIAL// Book of portrait engravings, used in part as a scrapbook with // music items…

Mezzanine 30 A 3 Mezzanine List
Scrapbooks, albums, misc records:Autograph Album 1964.019.2 StitesAutograph Album of Anna Gleason;

Scrapbooks, albums, misc records://Autograph Album 1964.019.2 Stites//Autograph Album of Anna Gleason; 1973.054.1 Johnson, L.W.//Autograph Album;…

Mezzanine 22 A 3.2 Mezzanine List
Scrapbooks, albums, misc records:Scrapbook of newspaper clippings; 1967.071 TwitchellAutograph Alb

Scrapbooks, albums, misc records://Scrapbook of newspaper clippings; 1967.071 Twitchell//Autograph Album of Minnie Bybee; 2181 Luy, Minnie//…

Mezzanine 22 A 3.1 Mezzanine List
Scrapbooks, autograph albums:Autograph album of Mary WettererAutograph album of Tillie MillerAlso

Scrapbooks, autograph albums://Autograph album of Mary Wetterer 1879-1883Gray with a picture of two children//Autograph album of Tillie Miller…

M29 D3 Mezzanine List
Scrapbooks, photos, letters, including: Letter to Emil and Mollie Britt from G. I. Maxwell Bill

Scrapbooks, photos, letters, including:// Letter to Emil and Mollie Britt from G. I. Maxwell// Bill to J. H. Russel for marble from Hollister,…

Mezzanine 30 E 3 Mezzanine List
Several rolled documents: Architectural plan - Preliminary Floor and Foundation Plan for Muse

Several rolled documents: Architectural plan - Preliminary Floor and Foundation Plan for Museum, Large copy of birds eye view photo of…

M 40 C 1 Mezzanine List
Sheet music and other materials related to music

Sheet music and other materials related to music WE HAVE WAY MORE SHEET MUSIC THAN ANYONE NEEDS// Schirmer's Library Vol 117 - Exercises in…

Mezzanine 25 F 2.1 Mezzanine List
Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.) Program for Morosco's Grand Opera House (

Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.)// Program for Morosco's Grand Opera House (SF) ND// Recent Musical Publications, M…

Mezzanine 25 F 2.2 Mezzanine List
Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.)Also contains the following:1970.057.0597,

Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.)//Also contains the following://1970.057.0597, .1957, .2254, .2371, .2810, and .4312 //…

Mezzanine 25 F 2.3 Mezzanine List
Smithsonian annuals Report of the United States National Museum under the direction of

Smithsonian annuals Report of the United States National Museum under the // direction of the Smithsonian Institution to July, 1885// Annual…

Mezzanine 30 C 1 Mezzanine List
SOHS Archives Six year development plan, 1984-1990 Volunteer lists, 1989 Jr. Historian Scrapbo

SOHS Archives// Six year development plan, 1984-1990// Volunteer lists, 1989// Jr. Historian Scrapbook, 1991// Crafters photos// Annual…

Mezzanine 74 A 1.1 Mezzanine List
SOHS Archives, continued Misc. calling cards Annual Report, 1995/96 Chinese New Years program,

SOHS Archives, continued// Misc. calling cards// Annual Report, 1995/96// Chinese New Years program, 2008// Hike-A-Thon program, 2007//…

Mezzanine 74 A 1.2 Mezzanine List
Warner Donation: Correspondence, newspaper clippings, title abstracts, etc., 1979.069 Warner, R

Warner Donation: Correspondence, newspaper clippings,// title abstracts, etc., 1979.069 Warner, Ruth//Much unsorted oil drilling- and nursery-…

Mezzanine 27 E 2 Mezzanine List
Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69 Warner, Ruth: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINES

Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69 Warner, Ruth: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINES//Pacific Christian Endeavorer, Mar. 1897//…

Mezzanine 27 F 2 Mezzanine List
Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINESTravel brochu

Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINES//Travel brochure - Southern Pacific Co., 1896//Westminster…

Mezzanine 27 F 2 Mezzanine List
Warner-Gore Collection: Music records, newspapers, calendarsIncludes Musical scores:Faust, Gounod,

Warner-Gore Collection: Music records, newspapers, calendars//Includes Musical scores://Faust, Gounod, Charles; `//Cellist's Solo Album,…

Mezzanine 49 E 1 Mezzanine List
Wisely donation 1989.05-6 Wisely, Joseph C. Hanna portrait, Robert Ruhl correspondence 1914-51West S

Wisely donation 1989.5-6 framed portrait of Joseph C. Hanna , Robert Ruhl correspondence 1914-51-1988.5-8//West Side School history 1976// framed…

M 42 C 3 Mezzanine List
1999.28, 1999.74

In folders:
1987 civil complaint by Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. against Citizens Savings & Loan…

M44 C 3 Mezzanine List

Smithsonian Institution photos, brochure, Peggyann Hutchison typescript of Medford Mail Tribune article relating to exhibit of…

M44 C 4 Mezzanine List
Med - Ply, Medford Door Ledgers

Ledger: brown Masonite cover, metal screw post binding, "MED - PLY" printed in ink on upper left corner of cover. "…

M44 D 1 Mezzanine List
letter and envelope from George F. Wright to L. A. Mentzer, Wright's article on "Reelfoot"

Hand written letter and envelope from George F. Wright to L. A. Mentzer, May 19, 1960. Discusses road conditions and Mr. Wright's article on…

M44 D 2 Mezzanine List