The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Mega Index
Title | Body | Location | Source Reference | |
Records of Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources Association--minutes, correspondence, map | Records of Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources// Association--minutes, correspondence, maps, reports, flood newspaper clippings//… |
Mezzanine 38 B 4 | Mezzanine List | |
Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, June 1989 1989.05-1 1 | Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society, Cont.//Books owned by Frankie… |
Mezzanine 25 A 1.2 | Mezzanine List | |
Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, June 1989 1989.05-1 2 | Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society//Six framed photos and… |
Mezzanine 25 A 1.1 | Mezzanine List | |
Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, June 1989 1989.05-1 3 | Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society//Many materials relating to the… |
Mezzanine 25 A 2 | Mezzanine List | |
Rossman collection continued | Rossman collection continued |
Mezzanine 47 B 1.2 | Mezzanine List | |
Rossman collection1. Geological Highway Map of the Pacific Northwest Region - Washington, Orego | Rossman collection//1. Geological Highway Map of the Pacific Northwest Region - // Washington, Oregon, Idaho (in part) 2000.071.20 Rossman//2.… |
Mezzanine 47 B 1.1 | Mezzanine List | |
Roy Bailey Donation: Military related records, ledgers, F. R. Neil ledger 1859-1916 Abstract | Roy Bailey Donation: Military related records, ledgers, // F. R. Neil ledger 1859-1916// Abstract of Title for several lots in the Imperial… |
Mezzanine 30 F 1 | Mezzanine List | |
School Registers; 1854-1929; 1 box, 1 bundle; Mrs. U. B. Inch. Jackson County Court 1956.036 I | School Registers; 1854-1929; 1 box, 1 bundle; Mrs. U. B. Inch. // Jackson County Court 1956.036 Inch//Jackson County School registers for:… |
Mezzanine 34 E 1 | Mezzanine List | |
School related items: The Scimitar, 1953 yearbook for American school for ARAMCO employee | School related items: Jacksonville School related items:// The Scimitar, 1953 yearbook for American school for ARAMCO-2023.1.4, |
Mezzanine 28 B 1 | Mezzanine List | |
Scrapbooks DISPOSE OF EMPTY SCRAPBOOKS, NON-LOCAL MATERIAL Book of portrait engravings, used in | Scrapbooks DISPOSE OF EMPTY SCRAPBOOKS, NON-LOCAL MATERIAL// Book of portrait engravings, used in part as a scrapbook with // music items… |
Mezzanine 30 A 3 | Mezzanine List | |
Scrapbooks, albums, misc records:Autograph Album 1964.019.2 StitesAutograph Album of Anna Gleason; | Scrapbooks, albums, misc records://Autograph Album 1964.019.2 Stites//Autograph Album of Anna Gleason; 1973.054.1 Johnson, L.W.//Autograph Album;… |
Mezzanine 22 A 3.2 | Mezzanine List | |
Scrapbooks, albums, misc records:Scrapbook of newspaper clippings; 1967.071 TwitchellAutograph Alb | Scrapbooks, albums, misc records://Scrapbook of newspaper clippings; 1967.071 Twitchell//Autograph Album of Minnie Bybee; 2181 Luy, Minnie//… |
Mezzanine 22 A 3.1 | Mezzanine List | |
Scrapbooks, autograph albums:Autograph album of Mary WettererAutograph album of Tillie MillerAlso | Scrapbooks, autograph albums://Autograph album of Mary Wetterer 1879-1883Gray with a picture of two children//Autograph album of Tillie Miller… |
M29 D3 | Mezzanine List | |
Scrapbooks, photos, letters, including: Letter to Emil and Mollie Britt from G. I. Maxwell Bill | Scrapbooks, photos, letters, including:// Letter to Emil and Mollie Britt from G. I. Maxwell// Bill to J. H. Russel for marble from Hollister,… |
Mezzanine 30 E 3 | Mezzanine List | |
Several rolled documents: Architectural plan - Preliminary Floor and Foundation Plan for Muse | Several rolled documents: Architectural plan - Preliminary Floor and Foundation Plan for Museum, Large copy of birds eye view photo of… |
M 40 C 1 | Mezzanine List | |
Sheet music and other materials related to music | Sheet music and other materials related to music WE HAVE WAY MORE SHEET MUSIC THAN ANYONE NEEDS// Schirmer's Library Vol 117 - Exercises in… |
Mezzanine 25 F 2.1 | Mezzanine List | |
Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.) Program for Morosco's Grand Opera House ( | Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.)// Program for Morosco's Grand Opera House (SF) ND// Recent Musical Publications, M… |
Mezzanine 25 F 2.2 | Mezzanine List | |
Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.)Also contains the following:1970.057.0597, | Sheet music and other materials related to music (cont.)//Also contains the following://1970.057.0597, .1957, .2254, .2371, .2810, and .4312 //… |
Mezzanine 25 F 2.3 | Mezzanine List | |
Smithsonian annuals Report of the United States National Museum under the direction of | Smithsonian annuals Report of the United States National Museum under the // direction of the Smithsonian Institution to July, 1885// Annual… |
Mezzanine 30 C 1 | Mezzanine List | |
SOHS Archives Six year development plan, 1984-1990 Volunteer lists, 1989 Jr. Historian Scrapbo | SOHS Archives// Six year development plan, 1984-1990// Volunteer lists, 1989// Jr. Historian Scrapbook, 1991// Crafters photos// Annual… |
Mezzanine 74 A 1.1 | Mezzanine List | |
SOHS Archives, continued Misc. calling cards Annual Report, 1995/96 Chinese New Years program, | SOHS Archives, continued// Misc. calling cards// Annual Report, 1995/96// Chinese New Years program, 2008// Hike-A-Thon program, 2007//… |
Mezzanine 74 A 1.2 | Mezzanine List | |
Warner Donation: Correspondence, newspaper clippings, title abstracts, etc., 1979.069 Warner, R | Warner Donation: Correspondence, newspaper clippings,// title abstracts, etc., 1979.069 Warner, Ruth//Much unsorted oil drilling- and nursery-… |
Mezzanine 27 E 2 | Mezzanine List | |
Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69 Warner, Ruth: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINES | Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69 Warner, Ruth: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINES//Pacific Christian Endeavorer, Mar. 1897//… |
Mezzanine 27 F 2 | Mezzanine List | |
Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINESTravel brochu | Warner Donation: periodicals, pamphlets, 1979.69: DISPOSE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL MAGAZINES//Travel brochure - Southern Pacific Co., 1896//Westminster… |
Mezzanine 27 F 2 | Mezzanine List | |
Warner-Gore Collection: Music records, newspapers, calendarsIncludes Musical scores:Faust, Gounod, | Warner-Gore Collection: Music records, newspapers, calendars//Includes Musical scores://Faust, Gounod, Charles; `//Cellist's Solo Album,… |
Mezzanine 49 E 1 | Mezzanine List | |
Wisely donation 1989.05-6 Wisely, Joseph C. Hanna portrait, Robert Ruhl correspondence 1914-51West S | Wisely donation 1989.5-6 framed portrait of Joseph C. Hanna , Robert Ruhl correspondence 1914-51-1988.5-8//West Side School history 1976// framed… |
M 42 C 3 | Mezzanine List | |
1999.28, 1999.74 | In folders: |
M44 C 3 | Mezzanine List | |
1998.9 | 1998.90.1-2 |
M44 C 4 | Mezzanine List | |
Med - Ply, Medford Door Ledgers | 1999.75.4 |
M44 D 1 | Mezzanine List | |
letter and envelope from George F. Wright to L. A. Mentzer, Wright's article on "Reelfoot" | Hand written letter and envelope from George F. Wright to L. A. Mentzer, May 19, 1960. Discusses road conditions and Mr. Wright's article on… |
M44 D 2 | Mezzanine List |