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MI 150443

Hutton Creek
Hutton Creek empties into Cottonwood Creek north of Horn­ brook, and it heads in the south slopes of the Pilot Rock area.…

MS178, no. 532 George Wright descriptions
MI 150444

Shelton Rock
There is a peak, or pointed hill, between Hutton Creek and Highway 99 North of what used to be called the Crovelle Ranch. The…

MS178, no. 533 George Wright descriptions
MI 150445

Terrill ranch
The Terrill Ranch is on up Hutton Creek from the Crovelle Ranch. Years ago Oscar Terrill and his family lived there. I don…

MS178, no. 534 George Wright descriptions
MI 150446

Anderson grade
The Anderson Grade was part of the old stage road between the Klamath River on the north and the Shasta River on the south.…

MS178, no. 535 George Wright descriptions
MI 150447

I don't know much about the little town of Hilt. It could
be called a sawmill town because the lumbering and logging…

MS178, no. 536 George Wright descriptions
MI 150448

Ivin Miller's homestead
Some time around forty years ago a man we knew as Dad Miller located a homestead at the head of the east fork…

MS178, no. 537 George Wright descriptions
MI 150449

Swift's homestead
I don't know how long Hiram Swift, also known as "High" Swift, lived on his little ranch west of…

MS178, no. 538 George Wright descriptions
MI 150450

Goat ranch
A long time ago, probably around fifty years or so, people settled on Hutton Creek a little south of the Oregon California…

MS178, no. 539 George Wright descriptions
MI 150451

Pilot Rock
Pilot Rock was first called Pilot Knob, and was the feeding ground for mountain sheep and the grizzly bear. It is a big, bluffy…

MS178, no. 540 George Wright descriptions
MI 150452

Robber's Rock
Back in the spring of 1915 William A. Wright and I started out for the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains with a team and…

MS178, no. 541 George Wright descriptions
MI 150453

Horn's Peak
Horn's Peak is about one mile north and east from Hornbrook and a couple of miles north from what used to be the Horn…

MS178, no. 542 George Wright descriptions
MI 150454

Dead Horse Gulch
Dead Horse Gulch heads just east of Horn Peak and empties into the Klamath River just below the present bridge across the…

MS178, no. 543 George Wright descriptions
MI 150455

Seikel ranch
The Ed J. Seikel Ranch was located on one of the forks of Dead Horse Gulch, about a mile or more from the Klamath River.

MS178, no. 544 George Wright descriptions
MI 150456

Willow Creek
Willow Creek empties into the Klamath River less than a mile upstream from the old town of Klamathon. The creek is quite long…

MS178, no. 545 George Wright descriptions
MI 150457

Little Bogus Creek
The little creek or gulch that empties into the Klamath River about two miles up the river from old Klamathon Town and on…

MS178, no. 547 George Wright descriptions
MI 150458

Giddings Hill
In going down the Klamath River to Hornbrook the road crosses Cedar Gulch and then goes over a little hill and down to the…

MS178, no. 549 George Wright descriptions
MI 150459

Klamathon was a busy little town before the fire in 1902
destroyed the most of it, including the sawmill.
The logs for…

MS178, no. 550 George Wright descriptions
MI 150460

Thrall ranch
The ranch that is now called the Thrall Ranch was known as Laird's Station when I was a little boy. For many years, up…

MS178, no. 552 George Wright descriptions
MI 150461

Cedar Gulch
Cedar Gulch empties into the Klamath River on the north side about two miles upstream from Klamathon. Going down stream

MS178, no. 553 George Wright descriptions
MI 150462

Scholenburger ranch
In the early 1870 1 s, my grandfather; William R. Wright, and family, settled on the north side of Klamath River near…

MS178, no. 554 George Wright descriptions
MI 150463

Dry Creek
Dry Creek is a small but rather long creek that empties into the north side of Klamath River about a mile upstrerun from Cedar…

MS178, no. 555 George Wright descriptions
MI 150464

Elie's Flat
It has been a long time since I heard any one mention Elie's Flat. Maybe it is private land now, and fenced in since I…

MS178, no. 556 George Wright descriptions
MI 150465

Nay's Springs
One of the old place names I notice is Nay's Springs, which are located near the head of Paine's Ditch. There…

MS178, no. 557 George Wright descriptions
MI 150466

H.J. Quigley's homestead
Back around 1914, Horace J. Quigley and his family came from Watsonville, California, by team and wagon, a…

MS178, no. 558 George Wright descriptions
MI 150467

McHenry's homestead
Grant McHenry was the blacksmith in Hornbrook before he locat­ ed his homestead, about 1915, in the upper part of…

MS178, no. 559 George Wright descriptions
MI 150468

Pedro Smith's homestead
Many years ago when I was a little sprout there was a little ranch on the sunny south slope at the head of Dry…

MS178, no. 562 George Wright descriptions
MI 150469

Little Pilot Rock
The ridge between the head of Dry Creek and Hutton Creek rises, or bulges up into a backbone of almost solid rock. The…

MS178, no. 563 George Wright descriptions
MI 150470

Brush Creek
Brush Creek runs into the north side of the Klamath River about a mile and a half upstream from Dry Creek. I do not know how it…

MS178, no. 564 George Wright descriptions
MI 150471

Bogus ranch
I don't remember who first owned the Bogus Ranch, which is located at the mouth of Bogus Creek, on the south side of the…

MS178, no. 565 George Wright descriptions
MI 150472

Horseshoe Bend
I do not hear the name, Horseshoe Bend, mentioned very much these days. One reason is, I suppose, that there are not as many…

MS178, no. 566 George Wright descriptions