The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
020522 | Naumes Packing House interior |
020523 | Nye and Naumes Packing House with fork lift on receiving dock, Medford |
020524 | Medford baseball team, the 1913 champions of Southern Oregon, including Miles, Shorty (see also negative # 14757) |
020525 | Bird's-eye view of Old Washington School (South School), looking east on W. Main St., Medford (missing) added photocopy) |
020526 | Excavating for the new Natatorium in Medford, with Roxy Ann in the distance |
Scanned | View Photo |
020527 | Rhododendron beside porch steps at Britt house |
020528 | Steps in Britt Park |
020529 | Chamerops Excelsa palm tree in Britt Park |
020530 | Possibly Britt, Emil standing by sequoia planted by Britt, Peter on March 22, 1862 in Jacksonville |
020531 | Britt, Mollie reading outside house, with plants |
020532 | Gold Ray Dam, Table Rock, Mt. McLoughlin |
020533 | Luman, Mrs. Ira; 8-23-1938 |
020534 | McDaniel, Sarah Amanda Henry |
020535 | Pompador Cliff, Ashland |
020536 | Wagner Butte from Payne Cliffs |
020537 | Grizzly Hiking Club near Payne Cliffs |
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020538 | The toad Stool near Payne Cliffs, Grizzly Hiking Club |
020539 | Grizzly Hiking Club near Payne Cliffs |
020540 | Associated Fruit Packing Co. employees in circuit view (part 1 of 2); 9-13-1961; with: Logan, Sylvia; Nikodym, Helen; Glenn, Lula; Meadows,… |
020540.04 | Amos, Wilma; Blake, Barbara; Cobleigh, Bertha; Carter, Pat; Ross, Dolores; Hites, Eleanor; Leek, Hazel; Pentland, Stella; Miller, Balie(?); Bolz,… |
020540.05 | Amos, Wilma; Blake, Barbara; Cobleigh, Bertha; Carter, Pat; Ross, Dolores; Hites, Eleanor; Leek, Hazel; Pentland, Stella; Miller, Balie(?); Bolz,… |
020540.06 | Rosecrans, Ruth; Sauers, Midge; Ellis, Berniece; Rose, Carol; Tilford, Jimmie; Bushnell, Nellie; Steele, Betty; Harris, Nevita; Flagg, Berniece;… |
020540.07 | Roberts, Emma; Hanscom, Bertha; Hayman, Addie; Consbruck, Helen; Chisum, Pat; Harris, Gladys; Smith, Georgia; Sult, Florence; Barbee, Elsie;… |
020540.08 | Winn, Milton; Roberts, Ralph; Hayman, Bruce; Jesme, Art; Youngblood, Robert; Davis, Earl; Goodman, Robert; Harvey, Gene; Cameron, Bill; Thompkins… |
020540.09 | McCully, Elzie; Zemke, Kay; Zwan, Stan |
020541 | Associated Fruit Packing Co. employees in circuit view (part 2 of 2); 9-13-1961 [see listing for negative # 20540 for identifications] |
020542 | Findlay Brothers Ranch in Applegate area |
Scanned | View Photo |
020543 | Bridgepoint Ditch, Applegate |
020544 | Three men with Gold Hill Mountain in background |
View Photo | |
020545 | Mt. Wagner from summit of Mt. Ashland, Jackson County |
020546 | Crowd on Ashland Plaza |
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020547 | Hanley Rd. after wind toppled telephone poles |
020548 | Rockfellow, Sara (Loral ?) (20 mo.) |
020549 | Rockfellow, Alice; Wagner, Jacob, Ellen; Rockfellow, Albert; Helman, Abel; and others |
020550 | Medford panorama from I.O.O.F Building #1 of 4 |
020551 | Medford panorama from I.O.O.F Building #2 of 4 |
020552 | Medford panorama from I.O.O.F Building #3 of 4 |
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020553 | Medford panorama from I.O.O.F Building #4 of 4 |
020554 | Looking east on W. Main St./Condor - Bijou; Medford |
020555 | Britt, Emil looking toward Pilot Rock from Colestin |
020556 | Two people viewing Rogue River near Gold Hill |
020557 | Rogue River near Chavner's Bridge |
020558 | Covered bridge on Rogue River near Gold Hill |
020559 | Britt, Mollie; and a man and a woman by the Rogue River near Gold Hill |
020560 | Flounce Rock on Rogue River about 45 miles from Jacksonville |
020561 | Stanley's Family Restaurant circa 1978 |
Scanned | |
020562 | Color Postcard of Bamby's Coffee Shop, Medford, at Dusk circa 1960 |
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020563 | Southern Pacific Depot in Ashland |
020564 | Negative missing, no description of image |
020565 | Helman's small tractor |