The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
018932 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018933 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018934 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018935 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018936 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018937 | Pinnacle Packing Co. |
018938 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018939 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018940 | Pinnacle Packing Co. building after fire |
018941 | Cars of pine and fir logs on siding at Owen-Oregon Lumber Co. Mill;4-1927 |
018942 | Stand of timber |
018943 | Two men felling large sugar pine tree |
018944 | Man standing by large log |
018945 | Aerial view of Siskiyou Blvd. area in Ashland; 4-2-1961 (was labeled incorrectly as negative # 12365) |
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018946 | Satan's Swingsters, with Marshall, Smith, Duffield, Jackson, McCollom, Roberson (negative is in G69 A 6) |
018947 | Men's Basketball team (see Forsythe negative # 24) (empty envelope) |
018948 | Boxing "smoker" at Southern Oregon State Normal School in Ashland (negative is in G69 A 6) |
View Photo | |
018949 | Killing at Hellsgate |
018950 | Britt, Mollie as young woman, in white dress with bow in her hair |
018951 | Britt, Mollie as young woman, with necklace |
018952 | Britt, Emil; outside Britt house |
018953 | Aerial of Medco in Medford |
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018954 | Medco Whitehouse |
018955 | Britt, Emil, as boy |
018956 | Coleman, John family |
018957 | Chinese man seated |
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018958 | Chinese man |
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018959 | Chinese man |
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018960 | Child with hobby horse |
018961 | Dodge Bridge, with Rogue River flooded; 12-1964 |
018962 | Old fire pumper wagon on display in Jacksonville |
018963 | Britt garden |
018964 | Britt house, 1909 |
018965 | Road and fence in front of Britt house and garden |
018966 | Britt barn |
018967 | Balcony of Britt house |
018968 | Britt Park |
018969 | Britt house |
018970 | Path in Britt Park |
018971 | Rothermel, Lewis [photo sleeve negative # 18972 is incorrect] |
018972 | Rothermel, Lena |
018973 | Britt, Emil with exotic plants in pot |
018974 | Britt house, exterior, Exotic plants: cannas; caladium; papyrus |
018975 | Palm tree in Britt Park |
018976 | Britt's peach tree with path and garden features |
018977 | Japanese persimmon tree in Britt Park |
018978 | Grob, Jacob |
018979 | Britt, Emil as a young man |
018980 | Britt, Mollie and Emil on sofa in later years |
018981 | Britt dog on chair |