The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
012295 | Ranger patrol trip in Tucker Sno-Cat to Crater Lake National Park east entrance |
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012296 | East elevation of the Superintendent's house in snow at Crater Lake National Park. This is from an album loaned by Kit Leavitt, wife of… |
012297 | Aerial view of Ashland Airport; 8-19-1967 |
012298 | Aerial view of Ashland Airport; 1-29-1968 |
012299 | Ashland Airport runway; 2-29-1968 |
012300 | Aerial view of Ashland Airport; 2-29-1968 |
012301 | Aerial view of Railroad yard at Ashland; 1-11-1962 |
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012302 | Aerial view of business district in Ashland looking north; 1-19-1961 |
012303 | Aerial view of Ashland looking east; 1-19-1961 |
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012304 | Emigrant Lake aerial; 1-19-1961 |
012305 | Street scene on Pine St. in Central Point (Pine is a main street in Central Point) |
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012306 | Blacksmith shop in Central Point with: Hawk, F. A.; and others |
012307 | Blacksmith Shop, with: Hawk, F. A.; another man, and a boy |
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012308 | Horse Shoeing & Jobbing - Otteson & Robinett |
012309 | Blacksmith shop in Central Point with 3 men and a horse |
012310 | Group of men outside blacksmith shop in Central Point with: Hawk, F. A. ("Jumper"?); and others |
012311 | View from Ashland Plaza looking up North Main Street; shows Walt's Lithia Motors Chrysler Dodge.; 3-1964 |
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012312 | Street scene in Ashland; 3-1964 |
012313 | Street scene in Ashland; 3-1964 |
012314 | Alley behind business buildings in Ashland; 3-1964 |
012315 | Looking east on E. Main St. from Ashland Plaza; 3-1964 |
012316 | View to the west from near Ashland Plaza; 3-1964 |
012317 | Elhart Music Store and hills beyond from Plaza area in Ashland; 3-1964 |
012318 | Street scene in Ashland in alley behind E. Main St.; 3-1964 |
012319 | Cars parked next to White House Market in Ashland; 3-1964 |
012320 | Street scene in Ashland from Plaza west up N. Main St.; 3-1964 |
012321 | Ashland after flood; 3-1964 |
012322 | Ashland after flood; 3-1964 |
012323 | Alley behind buildings on the Ashland Plaza (now Guanajuato Way?); 3-1964 |
012324 | Looking east down E. Main St. from Ashland Plaza; 3-1964 |
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012325 | View north across Ashland Plaza toward N. Main St.; 3-1964 |
012326 | View from Ashland Plaza looking east down E. Main St.; 3-1964 |
012327 | New Ashland Post Office; 5-1-1966 |
012328 | Ashland Water Carnival, with Skinner, Lon at wheel of boat, "Crazy'er"; 6-5-1965 |
012329 | Seven young women and Skinner, Lon in "Crazy'er" boat; 5-30-1965 |
012330 | Williams, Bill putting up sign announcing Ashland Water Carnival; 5-21-1965 |
012331 | Three young women in boat in Elks parade in Ashland; 5-22-1965 |
012332 | Group of young women with Henry, Hank of KMED in Ashland Plaza prior to the Water Carnival; 5-30-1965 |
012333 | Ehlers, Linn and another young woman beside policeman in Ashland Plaza; 5-22-1965 |
012334 | Ashland Water Carnival, with Skinner, Lon and kite; 6-11-1965 |
012335 | Ashland Water Carnival, with Skinner, Lon waterskiing; 6-11-1965 |
012336 | Skinner, Lon water-skiing at Ashland Water Carnival; 6-11-1965 |
012337 | Ashland Water Carnival, with Skinner, Lon; Wall, Bill; and "Crazy'er"; 6-11-1965 |
012338 | Ashland Water Carnival, with Skinner, Lon; Wall, Bill; and "Crazy'er"; 6-11-1965 |
012339 | Knoles, Robert of Stockton, California - winner of Rogue Cup at Ashland Winter Carnival; 6-21-1965 |
012340 | Wood, Karen and 2 men at Ashland Jaycees Miss Water Carnival contest; 6-19-1965 |
012341 | Two young women selling raffle tickets to Ashland Mayor Neill before Ashland Winter Carnival; 6-3-1965 |
012342 | Fire at the Elks Building in Ashland; 7-16-1968 |
012343 | Fire at the Elks Building in Ashland; 7-16-1968 |
012344 | Firemen at the Elks Building fire in Ashland; 7-16-1968 |