Spring 1849 he left for "El Dorado" by himself, arriving in October, returned to IA in Fall 1851. April 1852 - -Left two days after his marriage, as the leader (unanimous choice as he had crossed the plains before) of an emigrant train of 16 vehicles and 65 persons, arriving in Yreka. Crossed the Siskiyou Mountains to the Rogue Valley in August 1852. Moved on to Coos Bay, where he lived for 2 years on a half section, in what is now known as Marshfield. Returned to Rogue Valley in 1854 and settled on their old and fertile ranch, 3 miles south of Ashland. Lived there until 1878 when he was appointed US Surveyor General of Oregon and the family moved to Portland where they resided for 8 years. Returned to the Tolman Ranch where they lived until it was sold in the 1890s and they moved to town. Obit. from newspaper. History of the Pacific NW Oregon and Washington, Bio sketches Vol. II, 1889. N Pacific Historical Co. Portland. History of S Oregon, Pub. by AC Walling, 1884, Portland.