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Lithia Park

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

As you wander through beautiful Lithia Park in Ashland, Oregon, today, it is hard to believe that one of the most divisive controversies ever to erupt in Ashland exploded in 1914 over development of the park.
The issue was whether the eighteen acres upstream from the small existing city park would be developed commercially as a health spa-based on lithium and other mineral waters in the area-or if it should remain a public park.
Promoters of the spa idea said nationwide promotion would put the city on the map. "Ashland Grows While Lithia Flows" was the slogan. Strong endorsement came from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, eager to promote travel in the west.
The publisher of the Tidings, who argued for commercial development, called upon Ashland to "Forge to the front, despite a few sleepy croakers." He warned that to do otherwise would be to "sink hopelessly into a comatose state."
Voters settled the issue in 1916 when they voted to keep the expanded park a city park. They did not want it turned into a commercial health spa.
The vote that made it possible for us to wander at leisure through Lithia Park today was 521 to 376.
"Lithia park Story" by Marjorie O'Harra

Marjorie O'Harra