Fretenburg's Soda Spring
My memory is somewhat hazy about the early happenings of Fred Fretenburg, for I was quite young then. In any event he was a veteran of the Civil War and at one time owned and operated the then, Hotel Oregon in Ashland, Oregon, now, I believe called the Ashland Hotel.
That was probably about the time he started to build a dude resort at a soda spring along the upper part of Jenny Creek near where Johnson Creek comes in, but gave it up after a while. That was probably about sixty five years ago or more. I first saw the place about fifty three years ago and as I remember the house looked a little old then.
In any event its been called Fretenburg's Soda Spring since I can remember. Jenny Creek and Johnson Creek both were good streams for mountain trout and with the soda spring be an ideal place for City folks to spend there idle time.
Fretenburg's wife, Josephine was my father's youngest sister and when I was a youngster they both lived at Henley, California and was in business there for a long time, or until around the early 1920's or before when old age caused them to retire.
Note: On current topo maps, the name is Fredenburg Spring.
George Wright descriptions