Corral Creek
A ways back in about 1860 or a little later when ropes and six-guns was the law and order of the range land, three cattle rustlers had a corral along a little creek, later called Corral Creek, where they blotted the brands on cattle out with the bottom of a hot frying pan.
The rustlers were later caught, probably by a group of cattlemen near what is now The Upper Licks along Kein Creek and were hanged to some trees in a timbered hide away spot at the edge of Kein Creek. My uncle, Wm. A. Wright told me that the bones of the rustlers and pieces of there clothes and ropes were still there when he first started to ride the range in 1866.
The three rustlers met there doom long ago and forgoten about and the corral they built is gone too many years ago but the name Corral Creek is well known to this day, but probably very few people, if any, knows how the little creek got its name. Corral Creek empties into Jenny Creek at the Pinehurst Inn and heads north-west in the higher mountains.
(Corral Creek is still on topo maps)
George Wright descriptions