Cold Spring Flat
Cold Spring Flat got its name from Cold Spring whitch is located
on the east part of Cold Spring Flat. Now days it is some times called
Agate Flat on account of the agates whitch can be seen all over the Flat
area, especially in earlier years before the rock hounds taken most of
them away. Cold Spring Flat is known far and near for the agates and
jasper whitch could be found there a few years ago. A little of the south
part is on the California side of the border, most of it is on the Oregon
Back in the late 1880's, either, Parkerson or Land had a brush
fence around most of Cold Spring Flat and sowed most of the plow land
with rye. A little sign of the old cabin, barn and corral on the north
part. For many years it was called Parkerson's Cabin, and its still the
name by old timers despite the fact that the cabin burned during a grass
and brush fire, in I believe, 1924.
In early days Wm. A. Wright told me that he saw seven grizzly bears
on Cold Spring Flat in one day during the late 1860s.
George Wright descriptions