Picket Tree
Near the head of Picket Tree Gulch, a little west of Cold Spring Flat, my father, Thos. J. Wright made some pickets in early days. It must of been when father was young, probably during the late 1870s when he was still home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Wright when they owned what is now The Paine Ranch along the Klamath River.
In any event The Picket Tree is quite popular name among the cattlemen to describe the area between Cold Spring Flat and The Basin. There is a little water seaps out of the bed-rock in Picket Tree Gulch.
In about 1925, I located a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres taking in the Picket Tree area in Section twelve, After a few months I gave it up and located a homestead at Cold Spring in whitch I still own. About fourteen years ago, Hardman Frain found a rattlesnake's den there, while hunting for deer. Since then, most every spring and fall, I go there to kill them. I have killed a lot of them there, and I believe I have about all of them killed.
George Wright descriptions