Liskey ranch
About sixty five years age a Civil War Veteran with the name of Beers and his family came from around Dorris in Butte Valley and settled along Brush Creek. I do not know how he acquired the little ranch but he probably homesteaded it. He lived there for several years and his three sons, Ambrose, George, and Jay, grew to manhood there and helped with the ranch improvements.
It was about the year 1908 when Beers sold out and went to Oregon. I do not remember who bougnt the ranch from Beers but a short time afterwards, or in about 1910, Robert Ferrell of McCloud, California, bought the ranch and owned it for a few years. After Ferrell sold it it was owned by two or three different people until Charles Liskey bought it around in the late thirties. For many years it was called the Beers Ranch or until the Liskey family establiished their home there. Since then it has been known as the Liskey Raneh.
I used to like the little ranch very much beecuse of itslocation. It was out away from the main traveled road about half a mile and was the only ranch on Brush Creek. It is not as much of an out of the way place now as it used to be since the automobile has taken over from the horse.
George Wright descriptions