Brush Creek
Brush Creek runs into the north side of the Klamath River about a mile and a half upstream from Dry Creek. I do not know how it was named, but from where it empties into the Klamatlh its head the country is mostly open hillsides with a few oak and juniper trees and a little brush. At its mouth, however, there used to be a thick patch of skunk brush, and the old cut-off trail used to go through this brush, and that is probably why the stream is called Brush Creek.
Lots of steelhead fish used to run up Brush Creek during the winters. The last fish that I got out of Brush Creek was back in about 1920. I came riding up the road from Hornbrook on my way home and I saw a lot of nice slick fish, and they sort of made me fish hungry. I slid off of my horse and slipped my old Peace maker from the holster. The old "Peace-maker" gave off a blast like report and a big puff of black powder smoke and I heard a big splash in the creek, and saw a fish with his belly turned up to the sky. To make a longer story short I had a nice fish to eat the next morning.
January 9, 1954
George Wright descriptions