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MI 150465

Nay's Springs
One of the old place names I notice is Nay's Springs, which are located near the head of Paine's Ditch. There are two springs close together, and I wonder how many people that are around now know
how the springs were named.
I seldom go down the Klamath River to Hornbrook these days but when I do go I enjoy looking at the changes and the new things
Sometime around the early 1900s a man lived near the springs who had the name of Nay. He had a little board cabin or shed. He had a small buggy and a barn pasture under fence, where he kept his horse.
The name of Nay's Springs was often used by early stockmen when all the range land along the road was open.
It is a strange thing that the two springs are so close together, since one of them is a mineral spring and the other gives good mountain water. Cattle and horses used to come long distances to drink there, and it was also a lick for deer.

MS178, no. 557

George Wright descriptions

Source Reference