Ivin Miller's homestead
Some time around forty years ago a man we knew as Dad Miller located a homestead at the head of the east fork of Hutton Creek. I remember him well, and used to see him come into Hornbrook with loads of wood in his little wagon. I always admired his little black team of mares.
In later years the homestead was taken over by his son, Ivin Miller, and the homestead was known as the Ivin Miller place. The son passed away about five years ago and the place has been vacant since then as far as I know. I have heard that the homeĀ stead has been sold to the Crabtree brothers and that they plan to use it as a hunting camp.
The homestead would be a nice place in the winters to use
for fur trapping, since that area was good coyote and bobcat country. I suppose they are scarce there now, just as they are elsewhere.
George Wright descriptions