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Steve Wilson Era Golden Days of Logging Index

By Barbara Hegne (SOHS Location: PAM 920 W75 1991)


Adam~, Bill, logger, photo,98

Alley Brothers, sawmill between Phoenix and Medford, purchased

by Steve Wilson, 1957, l; enlarged mill pond,

March 1964, 2, 23, 30, 42; burned twice, 89;

photos, mill, 14, 43, 47, 66, 77, 85

Al Sarena mine, land, timber; Steve Wilson (SW) partner with

McDonald family, owners Rogue Elk Hotel, 1913; SW logged

area 3 times, 5; also known as Buzzard Mine, above Sam's

Valley, 5

Arnold, Glen, logger, truck driver, 39

Ashland Ranger District, Ashland, OR; SW logged, lumber shipped

out by rail, 5

Atkins, Richard "Scuba", Alley Mill, photo, 79

Babbs, Jim, Alley Mill, photo, 70

Baker, Fletcher "Bear", taught by Bill Adams to fell timber;

started after 1964 flood; worked partners with Carl Clayton,

Willard Walch, Mike Kaiser and Gordon Peterson, 70; leg cut

off, no safety rules then, 70; drove to Mt. Scott every morning

to work, 125 miles one way; worked 8 years for SW;

photo, 68

Bald Mountain, crew worked there, 82; storm hit, 84, 88

Beagle, OR, 1

Biddle, Bill, hauled logs, 79; photo, 70

Biden, Mr., logging operator, 54

Big Elk area, SW logging operations, 5

Bishop, Bob, raised onions Willamette Valley; SW recommended

Tabl~ Rock area; worked for him, 35; home burned, 1948;

lost everything; Eva and Steve first to help, 35, 67; photo,

38' 79

Bishop, Mrs. Bob (Lois), daughter Karyl, moved to Florida

7 years, 35; raised palms; SWs visited them; SW offered

better salary; worked for him in Oregon, Februayy 1960,

35; took course at University of Oregon on prism cruising,

36; made crew boss; started hauling, 1973; in winter worked

at Big Elk, slid off road, SW helped him fix truck, 36; kept

on working, 35, 36; photo, 38, 79

Bohn,·Harold, superintendent Alley Mill, 28, 30

Bohnert, Marvin, buddy of Joe Lucas, 72; worked for SW Octob~r

1962, Columbus Day storm; worked for SW 10 years, 72, 73;

photo, 92

Boothby, Frank, SW helped get trade-in for truck, 33

Boothby, Charles Jr. "Bob", worked for SW while in last

year of high school, 33

Brown , R . V . , 7 2

Brownboro (Meridian Road), 84

Burke, Richard, logger, 76

Burrill, Mr., logging operator, 54

Butte Falls, OR, SW logging operations, 5, 60; opened the

country, 82, 93

Camp White, military training cantonment, l; log truck

weighing scale there, 42


Carlton, Jack, drove 1941 Ford logging truck for SW, 13;

15; returned to school, started teaching 1961, 15; worked

for SW summers, 15

Casey's Park on Rogue River, photo, 73

Caster, Walt, bullbuck for SW, 70, 74

Chamberlain, Dick, SW helped lrim get first log truck, 10;

graduated school, 1965; worked for SW hauling farm ewuipment,

23; workigfi for SW the most uffn time in his life, 24;

broke boom at Afley Mill, 28;

Chamberlain, Ray (father), 39

Chapman, Al, photo 1962, 47

Charley, Bill (son), worked for SW at Oregon Tire, 38

- Charlie, Eldred, weighmaster 27 years, 1951-1978; had been

logger, so easier on loggers, 36; hooked logs for Skeeters

& Skeeters; used tattle-tail chains, 36; built cabin in

woods, SW gave him timber at cost; Morris Frink hauled it

for cost of gas, 36; photo, Charley's Place, Trail Lunch

Room, 103

Charley, Mrs. Eldred (Iris), 36, 54

Childress, Dale, 19, 21, 22, has known SW family since youngster;

made his first dollar weeding for SW's father; worked

on combine, threshed grain; SW made tractors of old cars;

made several trips to San Francisco with Steve and Dean

Wilson; worked for SW when had four Bob Tail Lumber Trucks,

21; accident in Cascade Gorge, log._s caught fire on truck, 21;

worked for SW 17 years, 21, 95; ph}os, 20, 79

Cleveland Ridge, between Evans Creek and Trail Creek, accident,


Cowden, Terry, drove log truck for SW, 84; photo, 73, 84

Cowden, Richard, drove log truck for SW, 84-96; worked from

1966 until SW retired, 73

Cowden, Wes, did everything: pumped gas, drove log truck,

skidded, 72, 84; photo, 20

Crater Lake Motors, Medford, 33

Crater Lake Machinery, 40

Cummings, Bob (son), 42-44

-Cuml).mings, Ol11ver ( cather), worked for Alley Brothers before

SW bought thme out, 42, 44; phto, 43, 47

Dead Indian area, SW worked there, logging, 48

DeArmond, J.L., sold Double Dee Lumber Company to SW, March

1969' 5

Dodenhoff, Lloyd, Butte Falls, had all teeth pulled, wore

dentures; SW gave him jerky to chew, 39

Dodge Bridge, Rogue River, damaged flood 1964, 18; SW

hauled Bailey one-way military bridge to site, 19; Glenn

Jackson, IBighway engineer, helped on job, 19

Double Dee Lumber Company, Tolo, OR; owned by J.L.DeArmond;

sold to Steve Wilson March 1969, 5; burned, 5

Drew, OR, Canyonville Road, weighmaster station, 22

Dumont, Harold, pondsman, Trail Creek Mill, 55-56-57

Dusenberry, Bette Wilson, 4, 52

Dusenberry, Jan, twin, logger for SW, 5, 13, 24, 34, 39,

40, 52, 57; photo, 59, 62, 69, 82


Dusenberry, Lan, twin, logger for SW, 5, 13, 34, 52, 60, 76,

87, 92; photo, 47, 57, 63, 69

Dusenberry, Lewis (father), timber faller, hauled lumber for

SW, 5; attended Sam's Valley grade school, high school, 52;

married Betty Wilson, 1936, 52; 53, 56; worked on-off for

SW 18 years until 1962, 56

Dusenberry, Mrs. Lewis (Betty Wilson), attended Sam's Valley

School; married out of high school, 1936; three children -

Neil, twins Jan & Lan, 53, 53

Dusenberry, Lloyd, photo, 55

Dusenberry, Neil, 6 years older than twin brothers, 56;

arm crushed, recovered, 56; Tom Short taught him to run

shovel at reload station; outwitted weighmaster, 57, 69, 74

Dyball, Frank, log truck driver, 39, 63; photo, 20

Dykes, logging trucks, 26

Eagle Point, OR, 1

Eagle Point High School, 5

Elder, Dave, hauled logs, long-time friend of SW, 102, 103;

had sawmill on Trail Creek; SW hauled from it; ran night

shift at Shady Cove; timber industry had bad times, 1970s;

big corporate mills started taking over, 102; photo, 103

Elder, Delvin, brother, worked for SW, 102

Elder, Russell, brother, worked for SW, 102

Elk Creek, 26

Elk Lumber Company, lumber sales, Evans Creek area, 60

Evans Creek, timber sales in area, 60

Fish Lake, SW logging operations, 5, 74

Fisher, Bob, 72; "SW sharpest operator in Oregon", 80; 82;

started working for SW, 1959, 80, 82

Fisher, John, worked for SW, 1962, 80, 82

Florey, Chauncey, sawmill at Tiller, SW hauled his lumber,


Florey, William "Bill", 91

Ford, Tennessee Ernie, photo, 29

Fisher Creek, logging accident, 61-62; photo, 87

Fredenberg, George, schoolmate of SW; family farmed;

called SW "Oats", 76; drove Cat 15-18 years in woods

Prospect, Klamath, Yamsey and Trail Creek, 76

Friend, Gale, log truck driver, 39, 62, 63; photo, 94

Friend, Mrs. (Georgia Mason), relatives worked for SW,

62; hired her husband 17 years, 62

Frink, Jim, worked for SW, 5

Frink, James "Jim", log truck driver, 39, 63


Frink, Morris, 5, 16, 36, 38; SW's longest employee, 38;

ran farm equipment, hauled livestock to Portland, San

Francisco; received watch for 5 years perfect safety;

SW's wife, Eva, his sister, 93

Frink, Russell, worked for SW, 5, 82

Fry, Bobbie, 99

gardener, Vic, logger, SW raised~oney for him and Bob Von

Der Hellen to buy 160-acre sale, Butte Falls area near

Fredenburg lookout, 1949, 49; logged with gin pole, did

very well; family lived on job; each partner cleared

$18,000, 49; photo, 50

Gardener, Mrs. Vic (Harriet Short), 51

Goetz Mill, Red Blanket aoad, SW hauled lumber, 38

Griffith, Wayne "Griff", 94

Hanscom, Harry, 54; small logging operation, worked adjacent

to SW; sawed special cuts, did clean-up and salvage

logging for him 12 years, 54, 61; photo, 55, 73, 98

Hanscom, Harold, 54

Harry & David Corporation, bought SW's Rogue Valley Data Processing,

July 1971, 5

Hagne, Barbara Morehouse, author "The Steve Wilson Era",

Eagle Point; born Butte Falls; father, brothers loggers;

wrote articles, 2 books

Harman Brothers, sawmill at Prospect; SW handled his lumber,


Hershberger Road, Jackson County, Unit 16, 1

Hertager, Richard, did painting, fiberglass work at SW shop

while attending school; later drove truck for SW who

loaned money to buy house, 70; stayed through bad times

of 70s, then went to work for R.V.Brown, 70; photo, 68

Highway 140, muddy; SW hauled cinders to keep in shape for


Source Reference