The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.


Ben Day collection: Ben Day's passing over North Pole,

Birth announcement of Nicholas Hart Dierauf
1963 airline certificate certifying Ben Day's passing over North Pole
“Bylaws and Amendments” folder: 1966 articles of incorporation and bylaws of Jackson County Community Action Council
“Publications General Cap” folder: 1967 clippings regarding poverty, day care, Jackson County Community Action Council; CAC newsletters; Gibbon-Forrest Acres newsletter; Nunan House
“Jackson County Community Action Council, Inc. Corporate File” folder: 1966-70 minutes, correspondence, lease, incorporation documents, chairman's reports, resolutions
“CAP—Migrant Farm Laborers” folder: 1966-67 Migrant Education Program Calendar; Migrant Education Project report; Rogue Valley Migrant League application for Community Action Program; correspondence between Community Action Council, Fruit Growers League and Migrant League; brochures from U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity on home food production and food distribution; Valley Migrant League flow chart and program description
“Program Development and Administration” folder: 1966 testimony, correspondence, budgets, clippings, program guidelines regarding Community Action Program and federal War on Poverty
“Youth Projects” folder: Circa 1966 Bear Creek Park [Greenway] and Youth Development Project proposed plan; youth employment, recreation and camp project descriptions
“Nelson Amendment/CAP Miscellaneous” folder: 1968 report on Jackson County dental assistance programs; 1968 list of CAC standing committees; photocopies of circa 1968 brochure “So You Are Going to Have Your Deposition Taken”; 1968 National Association for Community Development brochure, “Seminar Papers”; 1966 CAC status report; CAC Program Policy Statement; 1967 CAC newsletter
“JCCAC, Inc.--Corres. (State)” folder: 1965-67 correspondence with Oregon officers and U.S. Senator Wayne Morse, papers from 1966 Oregon Conference on Community Action Programs
“CAC General Correspondence” folder: 1967 CAC correspondence with Oregon and federal officers and representatives
“JCCAC, Inc. Meetings” folder: 1967-68 CAC meeting agendas, minutes, reports and resolutions
“Committee Reports Etc.” folder: 1967-68 CAC meeting minutes
“Head Start” folder: 1967 Head Start program description and budget, report from field representative, OEO Head Start brochure
“Board of Directors Meeting 1968” folder: 1967-68 CAC agendas, minutes, memos
“Community Action ADC Association” folder: Aid to Dependent Children constitution and bylaws, correspondence, plan, purpose, background, goals, relevant Oregon Senate bills
“Correspondence (Misc.)” folder: 1966 CAC correspondence
“Day Care Center” folder: 1966-67 program description, constitution and bylaws, correspondence, committee members and addresses, handwritten notes
“Financial Reports, Budgets, Etc.” folder: 1967 budget, financial reporting
“CAP Forms” folder: 1966-67 questionnaire, Office of Economic Opportunity applications
“Grass Roots” folder: 1966 CAC application for “Operation Grass Roots,” program description, budget, diagram
“Community Organization” folder: 1967 meeting agendas and supporting documents, demographic survey, maps, advisory committees
“Miscellaneous Letters” folder: 1967-68 correspondence, Grass Roots project fact sheet, budget, training schedule, staff contract, work sheet, organization chart, Application for Grant to Office of Economic Opportunity for Development of Homemakers and Home Nursing Service in Jackson County
“Home Health Aides” folder: 1966 correspondence
“Legal and Financial” folder: 1967 position paper on OEO legislation, 1966 legal aid proposal, notes, correspondence
“Low Income Family Education and Training” folder: 1966-67 progress reports, correspondence, blank forms, neighborhood community cultural centers abstract, list of CAC employees
“CAP Ben's Speech” folder: 1964 Economic Opportunity Act, 1967 photocopy of Economic Opportunity Act amendments, 1966-67 correspondence, CAC chairman's reports, speeches, correspondence, handwritten notes
“Memorandums” folder: 1966-67 notes to CAC board members, 1967 Jackson County community services directory, 1967 Community Action Memo newsletters from Office of Economic Opportunity
“Personnel Committee” folder: CAC personnel policies, 1967 personnel committee reports and correspondence
“Projects (Community Action)” folder: Project proposals--1968 Ashland High School computer course, migrant education project, child resource projects, new careers programs
“Upward Bound” folder: 1967 Southern Oregon College proposal for the education of financially deprived students, 1967 OEO Upward Bound booklet, 1967 SOC application to OEO for Upward Bound session

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Source Reference