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Ben Day collection: Rogue Basin Project

Folder: 1951 memorial to U.S. Congress requesting revision of mining laws; circa 1950 photos of Ben Day ceremonially “crowning” woman on open-air dais as accordion band looks on
“Levenson” folder: 1969-72 correspondence from Leo Levenson, Portland attorney
“Packwood” folder: 1970-72 correspondence with Bob Packwood regarding politics, Vietnam War, Rogue Basin Project
1956 presidential report on water resources policy
1952 “Oregon: Prize of Discovery, Exploration and Settlement,” written for unveiling of statues of John McLoughlin and Jason Lee at state capitol; with 1953 dedication program
1950 Rogue River Basin Project Report of the Regional Director and Substantiating Materials
1966 Rogue River Basin Project report, Medford Division
“Politics” folder: 1948 correspondence with Kenneth G. Denman regarding dams on Rogue River; 1951-54 political autobiography of Ben Day, political correspondence regarding Christopher Day, spray bill, school reorganization, water resources; mimeographed humorous glossary of legislative terms; Oregon Report of the Interim Committee on Natural Resources; senate bill regarding Department of Natural Resources; diagram of committees of Rogue River Basin organization; brochure on Montana irrigation projects
“Mining” folder: 1951-53 correspondence, press releases, clippings, bills, memorials regarding mining and mining claims in national forests
“O&C” folder: 1965-71 correspondence, reports, clippings regarding timber on O&C lands
“Rogue Basin 1974-75” folder: 1973-75 correspondence regarding Rogue Basin Project, Bob Packwood's statement before Senate Appropriations subcommittee on same
“Rogue Basin Petitions 1972” folder: 1972 breakdown of petition signers, statement on flow augmentation, response to accusations of Citizens League for Emergency Action on the Rogue (CLEAR)
“[Rogue] Basin (1972)” folder: 1972 correspondence, reports, signed petition, flow augmentation diagram, CLEAR questions, clippings regarding Lost Creek Dam project; list of 1969-70 directors, Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources Association
“Rogue Basin 1968-1969” folder:
1968, 1969, 1970 1972 testimony and membership roster, Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources Association
1965 artist's impression, proposed Lost Creek Dam
1961 map, Rogue Basin Project
1961 map, proposed Applegate Lake
1969 correspondence regarding Rogue Basin Project
1962 U.S. Water Resources Council brochure: Policies, Standards and Procedures in the Formulation, Evaluation and Review of Plans for Use and development of Water and Related Land Resources
1969 Siskiyou National Forest Rogue River Plan
1967 Corps of Engineers Lost Creek Reservoir informational brochure
“Rogue Basin 1964-1968” folder:
1965 testimony, Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources Association
1964-68 Rogue Basin Project and RBFCWRA clippings, correspondence, minutes, testimony, reports, plans
“Rogue Basin II 1962” folder:
1959, 1961 Corps of Engineers Potential Rogue River Basin Projects project data sheets
1956 report of Rogue River Flood Control joint hearing before U.S. Senate committees
1961-65 clippings, maps, resolution, correspondence, reports
1961 Corps of Engineers Rogue River Basin Water Resource Development information bulletin
“Rogue Basin Flood Control & Water Resources I 1962” folder: 1961 testimony before U.S. Senate committees on Agate Dam; 1962 correspondence, memorandum, testimony, analysis, reports regarding Rogue Basin Project
“Rogue Basin Flood Control and Water Resource Association May 17, 1961 to” folder:
1960-72 correspondence, memoranda, clippings, reports, resolution, analysis regarding Rogue Basin Project
December 30, 1955 and January 20, 1956 issues of Rogue River Times regarding December 1955 flood
1961 report: Probable Temperatures in the Proposed Lost Creek Reservoir
Folder: 1985 BLM Management Plan for the Upper and Lower Table Rocks

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