Records of the Jackson County Medical Society; D. McFadden, // June 1989 1989.05-1 Jackson Cty. Medical Society//Six framed photos and certificates related to Frankie Burton DEFRAME PHOTOS//Mail Tribune Tempo, 7/4/1980 - story about Frankie Burton//Boo
ks owned by Frankie Burton: TRASH// New Wives' Tales, 1974, Lendon Smith// Improving your Child's Behavior Chemistry, 1978, // Lendon Smith// Feed Yourself Right, 1983, Lendon Smith// The Children's Doctor, 1969, Lendon Smith// Helping Yo
urself With Self-Hypnosis, 1963, Frank Caprio // and Joseph Berger// The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 1932, // W. A. Newland Dorland// The Television Program, 1956, Edward Stasheff and // Rudy Bretz// That the Patient Might