Pamphlets, flyers, brochures, photos, etc.: FILE LOCAL MATERIAL; DISPOSE OF REST// Mexican cookery for American Homes, Gebhardt's Chili // Powder co., 1943// Recipe book for Coldspot freezers - Sears Roebuck & Co.// The Conquest of the Continent,
Burleson// Also: 1963.142.5 Cordy; 1964.42.10 Mansfield, John; // 1966.39.3 Ferris/Hudson; 1968.134.3 Hutchison; // 1969.9.2/5 Parker; 1971.46.18 Wolgamott; // 1978.109.1 and .7 Warner, Gordon; 1978.15.185, .186, // .188 to .190, .195, and .
198 Morris, Ann; 1979.10 Ferg; // 1979.9.8, and .14 to .16 Bash; 1980.47.4 Abel; // 1980.54.2.1 to 2.10 Wisnovsky; 1980.66.29, .30, and // .32 to .34 Peterson; 1980.75.1 to .9, and .12, to .14 Ashpole; // 1980.85.1 Murphy; 1983.15.1 Wharton;