Musical scores, continued://Serenade, Schubert, Franz; //Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep, Knight, G. P.; //American Liberty March, Cook, S. G.; //March Winds Galop, Mansfield, J. D.; //Echoing Trumpets March, Noles, L. C.; //Twilight Echoes, Jewell, Fre
derick A.; //Wedding March, Mendelssohn, Felix; //Hewitt's March for Decoration Day, Hewitt, L.; //Crystal Dew Waltz, Durkee, C. W.; //Maiden's Prayer, The, Badarzewska, T.; //Cow Bells, The, Grimm, J. Elmer; //Ellaline, Betts, Herbert K.; //Keep the Hor
seshoe Over the Door, Skelly, J. P.; //Old Oaken Bucket, The - Variations, Durkee, C. W.;