Miscellaneous single copies and short runs of periodicals (dates // for periodicals do not imply the presence of all issues within // that period): SHOULD BE SOLD OR IN PAMPHLET FILES//"Akimbo Nickel" 1976//"Historic Houses" 1979-81//"Folklife Center
News" 1978-82//"The 549Cinside story" 1980-82//"549C Education Today" 1980-82//"Hear Now!" Rogue Valley Chapter of N. O. W." 1979-82//"The Manifest" 1978//"The Mayor's Appearance and Rehabilitation Newsletter" // Medford 1977//"Mobile Express" 1978//"
Mt. Mazama Mushroom Association Newsletter" 1978-80//"Landmark & Historic District Commission Newsletter" 1975-81//"KSYS Viewer Guide" 1980-81