Miscellaneous single copies and short runs of Oregon periodicals (dates // for periodicals do not imply the presence of all issues within // that period): SHOULD BE SOLD OR IN PAMPHLET FILES//"Jackson County Farm Bureau News" 1919-20//"The Historica
l Scribe" Jewish Historical Society of Oregon, // Fall 1980//"For the Record" April-May 1978//"El Latino del Valle" Aug 1979//"The Downtowner" 1979-80//"The Crusade" 1979-80//"Coos County Historical Museum Newsletter" 1980//"Columbia" newsletter of the
American Reveloution // Bicentennial Commission of Oregon 1972-76//"Newsletter of the Clarke Memorial Museum" (Eureka) // Spring 1982//"The Call Number" 1957-69//"The Bandon Light" 1977-82//"The Arts Council of Southern Oregon Newsletter" 1978-81//"