Miscellaneous seed catalogs, agricultural bulletins and magazines (dates // for periodicals do not imply the presence of all issues within // that period) SELL SOME, REFILE REST WITH PAMPHLETS//"Fruit Growing in the Rogue River Valley" pamphlet 1911
//"California Grange News" Jan. 1932, Mar. 1933//"American Agriculturist" Apr-Jun 1896//"Good & Reese Rose Catalog" 1909; 1961.119 Welch, Irene//"Lilly's Catalog" N.D.; 1961.119 Welch, Irene//"Portland Seed Co. Catalog" 1912; 1961.119 Welch, Irene//"John
Lewis Childs Catalog" 1897; 1961.119 Welch, Irene//"John Lewis Childs Catalog" 1908; 1961.119 Welch, Irene//"How to Grow Flowers" 1898-99; 1960.59 Wicker//"Stark Year Book" Stark Bros. Nursery 1930//"Peter Henderson & Co. Seed Catalog" 1899; 1961.119 We