Miscellaneous books, all apparently from the Gore Collection://"Charters of Freedom" (the Declaration of Independence, the // Constitution, and the Bill of Rights), 1952//"Natural Complete Geography" Redway and Hinman, 1902//"Natural School Geography"
Redway and Hinman,1907//"Outlines of the World's History" William Swinton, 1874//"Drummond's Year Book" Henry Drummond, ND//"The Jolly Old Shadow Man" Gertrude Aice Kay, 1920//"Farm Legends" Will Carleton, 1875//"Suggestions to Young Housekeepers" no aut
hor given, ND//"The Old Pauper" by "A. L. O. E.", 1875//"The Girls at Quinnemont" F. McCready Harris, 1884//"Picture Gallery" no author given, ND//"The Jesse Wilcox Smith Mother Goose" ND