Misc documents:// Large quantity of ephemera, some quite old// Several packages of Anderson family papers// Photocopy of a portion of an unidentified diary (Welborn Beeson?) - "Book III // to Book VIII"// Also: 1957.157.29/14 Starron; 1958.77.7 Winningham; // 1960.139 Materials related to Politics; 1960.14.8 Wells, Mrs. Worth; // 1961.101/2 Barneburg Promissory note; 1918 Yankee Dance ticket 1961.145.5 Johnson, Lloyd; // 1868 Certificate to George T. Vining 1962. 141.7 Vining;// Knights of Pythia annual ball 1894 1963.78.4 Helms;// 1964.180.2 Book of Psalms James; // 1964.203.15 and .17 Certificate of recognition 1956 Walker, Millie; 1966.137.3 Dean; // 1918 voter registration card 1966.38.1 Hopkins// 1967. advertising 1918 Stoughton // 1967.134.2.31 Automotive advertising Beach// 1967.119.20.6 advertising materials Lane //1967.134.4 Write of Attachment Amos Nininger 1920 Beach// 1968.85.10 Grand Union Restaurant menu Saulsbury// 1968.134.3 Religious pamphlet Hutchison //1969.2/5 Medford Commercial Club Parker// 1979.9.7 Frank Bash materials Bash // 1969.65.1210 Masonic Directory 1932 Simpson//1969.93 Tax Receipt. J. W. Gilmore. $3.00. April 26th, 1879 Gilmore// 1970.84.96 Admission Ticket Couse //1970.93.4.1 photographic scenes of Camp Lewis Miller//1974.46.18 Play called Kismet by Edward Knoblauch Wolgamott// 1972.92.20 1879 Wedding invitation Mitcheltree// 1966.38 Hopkins; 1966.39.3 Ferris/Hudson; //Vining Masonry certificate, Olive Hudson papers, George Dean papers// Pamphlet, Oration given at Democratic-Republican Celebration on the 1838, 1958.77.7 // Better Fruit Magazine 1911 1963.142.5 C. B. Cory// 1959 History of Medford Schools 1963.203.5.35Taylor// Cook books 1964.43.10.3 Mansfield// Post card 1964.114.2.2 Livingston// 1973.13.27 Sailor memorabilia Raymond// 1974.72.2 Admission Ticket for round of Golf// 1974.37.1 Dinner Dance Medford Kiwanis Club 1923 Bash//Pamphlet describing the Beekman home 1962 1977.120.2 Brewer//
1974.44.24 Jackson County Intermediate Education Programs 1930's - 50's// 1976.44.9 Large Business card for Circle City Hotel Juneau Kissinger// 1976.30.5 1918 map of Camp Lewis Force// 1977.65.27 payment to R. B. Hargadine 1858 Burk//6.25 x 2.75 inch booklet Your Spot-O-Matic and How to Use it. 1957 1977.39.66// Postcard featuring map of Oklahoma 1978.15.198 Morris//"How to make Draperies" Published by Singer Sewing Machine Co. 1929 1978.15.188 Morris// Recipe book by Ida Bailey Allen 1978.15.185 Morris// "Best Pickle Recipes" 1928 1978.15.186 Morris// booklet Republican Platform 1908 1978.109.36 Warner//Jackson County Democratic Convention 1978.109.19 Warner//Official Miniature View Book, Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1978.109.7 Warner// Petition for Affiliation - Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Hillah Temple. 1978.109.45 Warner// "The Gossard Corsetiere & Merchandiser" magazine. 1979.2.14 //Postcard of garden and children's playground 1979.9.16 Bash//
Folder of Greeting cards 1979.10 Ferg//Letter addressed to Mrs. George Dean, Jacksonville 1980.34.784 Jeter//Application for Proficiency Badges, Girl Scouts, Inc. 1980.34.785 Jeter//Girl Scout Proficiency Badge Requirements 1980.34.777 Jeter// Photo is possibly Dr. Dean. 1980.34.781// Ephemera Southern Pacific Menus Etc. 1980.47.4 Abel//Valley View Vineyard Label, copy of Peter Britt Original 1980.54.2.3 Wisnovsky// Invitation to Masked Ball. February 19, 1897 1980.66.32 Peterson//Elks membership cards 1911-1927 1980.75.1 Ashpole//Confederate currency for $20.00, Richmond, February 17, 1861. 1980.55.4 Netboy//Western Union sign 1980.57.12 Cobo//County Warrant from Jackson County 1980.85.1 Murphy//Flyer Franklin Roosevelt's alleged platform on liquor laws 1983.33.113// Flyer for Missing girl Christi Lynn Farni 1979 2022.1.33//Political flyer 2022.1.38//