Military-related materials; 1982.071 Mowat, Lois//"The Red Guidon Vol II" published by the ROTC at Camp // Knox, KY 1921//"French Military Conversation" for U.S. and British armed // forces 1917//"Surveying" War Dept. 1940//Abstract of plot of land f
ound in Central Point at request of // Jackson County building and Loan 1935//"Liaison: The Courier of the Big Gun corps" Coast // Artillery 1918 - 20//Envelope of newspapers covering the end of WWI//Envelope of newspapers covering the end of WWII//O
SF Brochure, 1955//"Ashland of the Past - When the Living Was Easy" by // Marie Bebee (Bybee? Beebe?); Ashland Daily Tidings 3/25/66//Manzanar Japanese internment camp newspapers, Eifert wedding invitation