Medical books removed from Beekman Bank. All apparently owned by Charles Brooks who operated a hospital in
Jacksonville in the 1850s. He died on 21 Nov 1875:
1. The Institutes of Medicine; Martyn Paine; 1854
2. Dictionary of Practical Medicine, vol 1 and 2; James Copeland
3, A Dictionary of Medical Science; Bobley Dunglison; 1846
4. The Financier's Government and Municiple Bond Value Supplement; 1900
5. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, vol 1 and 2; Theodrick Beck and John Beck; 1850
6. Treatise on Human Parturition; H. Miller; 1849
7. The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Fevers of the United States; Elisha Bartlett; 1847
8. The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, vol 1; Jonathan Pereira; 1846
9. The Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, vol 1 to 4; John Forbes, Alexander Tweedie, and John Conolly; 1847
10. A System of Human Anatomy; Erasmus Wilson; 1848
11. A Complete Practical Treatise on Venereal Disease; William Acton; 1850
12. A Dictionary of Practical Surgery, vol 2; Samuel Cooper; 1848
13. The Principles of Surgery; James Miller; 1848
14. Envelope:
a. "Pumping Apparatus for Deep Wells and Mines" U.S Patent Office,
Patent #278019 - designed by John Huffer of Jacksonville; 1883 (5 copies)
b, Information on opening a combination lock