Church newsletter - issued to Mrs. N.M. Walker by the Methodist Episcopal church-2166// Receipt to Wm Bybee from Jackson Co. OR. dated 4 Mar 1876 for $179.42-3403// Letter from Receipt to Wm Bybee to Fannie M. Campbell From St. James Hospital in New Orleans 6 Sep 1862-2596// Letter from John F. Campbell (Capt.) to Miss Fannie M. Campbell, dated 27 Aug 1861-2597// Letter from John Campbell addressed to Dear Cousin Fanny, from Brashear City, LA 21 Sep. 1863-2598// Letter from John Campbell to Miss Fannie Campbell. Letter, from Baltimore, MD Aug. 11th, 1861-2599// Letter from Cousin William H. Campbell to Miss Fanny Campbell, from Winchester, TN 29 Jul 1863-2600// Three Holiday Cards on hard backing, surrounded by colored rope to hang them on the wall-2570.3// Two envelopes: 1. addressed to Mr. David John / Williamsburge, Josephine County Oct 2,1871, 2.addressed to D. John, Esq/ Williamsburg/Politeness/ G. Karuski, Esq-3517.2// "Souvenir Views of Portland's Great Flood" Booklet illustrated with photographs of a flood in Portland, Oregon in 1894-1960.120.2// Silk ribbon beautifully embroidered with a stage coach scene - 4 horses, 5 men, Red coach with green-1963.165// Two Calling Cards, One is a "Remember Me" card with a poem issued to W. H Hazen from C A Truffin, the other is a "Reward of Merit" card for good conduct to W. H. Hazen from J.F. Cone// Collection of announcements and invitations, Funeral notices and newspaper clippings 1994.99.1// Black and white photographic unused postcards-1995.83.12-.13// Book "Loomis's Progressive Music Lessons No. 3"-1995.83.23// New map of Medford and a map of the 1930-1995.103.1// Miscellaneous papers including health planning files related to new Public Health Center for Jackson County, 1964 - 1993// Program, Fiftieth Annual Commencement for Medford Senior High School, 1943-2000.36.1// "RESTRICTED / SPECIAL ORDERS / HEADQUARTERS CAMP WHITE, Includes information regarding status of soldiers and mention of segregation and Tule Lake, California-2000.36.4// card. "Mary Lou Lyman / is hereby privileged to serve as a / Junior Hostess at 'The Markade' / for service men, 1942-2000.36.5//
Japanese pencil drawing of palm trees and harbor on front. Verso: Note to "Mary Lou: from "Capt. Pete." June 26, 1943-2000.36.6// Letter, Japanese characters in brown at top of each page. Letter dated August 4, 1943 to "Dear Mary Lou:" from "Capt. Pete." Envelope addressed to "Miss Mary Lou Lyman: from "Capt. Latella." Aug 5, 1943-2000.36.7// Jackson County Health Department related booklets 1948-1999-2001.57// The Methodist Hymnal inscribed "Miss Anna B. Anderson so will I sing praise unto thy name forever, 1905-2005.16.2