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Miscellaneous documents, Jackson County, Appointment, E.H. Russell, Deputy Treasurer, Reports of water analysis.

Jackson County Or. Miscellaneous Legal Papers- 1962.253// Estray Notice, John E Ross found 5 horses Jan 29, 1865-1962.253.5// Petition for the Alteration of County Road, Robert Mavity July 8th, 1869-1962.253.7// Petition for County Road, Aug 13, 1862 John Rotin, Isaac Miller-1962.253.4/3// Appointment, E.H. Russell, Deputy Treasurer, (Edward S. Morgan Treasurer), Dec 3, 1862-1962.253.4/4// Report, Thos. Pyle, Supervisor, Road District 8 Dec. 8, 1860-1962.253.3/3// Answer, James T. Glenn vs J.P. Parker Apr 8, 1862-1962.253.4/2// Affirmation of Bond, J. C. Adams, Oct. 9, 1860-1962.253.3/1// Affidavit for Writ of Attachment, George Vining Daniel Wasson-1962.253.2/1// Official Bond, James Tatum, Justice of the Peace, Butte County 1859-1962.253.2/2// Certificate of Election, A.W.N. McConnell, Justice of the Peace Sept 22, 1855-1962.253.1// Annual Report, of Superintendent of School, L.L. Davis, Apr. 1, 1867-1962.253.6/2// Petition for Bridge across Bear Creek, at Miller's and Taylor's Apr. 10, 1860-1962.253.3/4// Nighttime photo of hydraulic mining, This photo is from a set of 6 pages from an album. Album is missing-1992.43.1.1// Invitation to Central Point High School Commencement, May 18, 1917, Calling Card for Katherine Nealon-1994.49.12.1,.2// Advertising card "Smoke Fair - Play" Cigarettes, 20 for 5cts. (envelope to go with this is missing)-1976.44.5// Poster, Dedication Ball at Rogue River, Or., Friday evening Feb 21, 1913, The New Rogue River Opera House, Also opening of the Resort Saloon, M.S. Johnson Prop.-1976.44.10// Reports of water analysis.-1966.45.3// C.E. Moyer Nurseries, Roseburg, 1938-1939 -1966.45.6.3//Correspondence to Bert Kissinger from Bernice Kissinger Aug. 14, 1949-3254.5.1.1// Pamphlet advertising "Wakonda Springs" . A Springs touted for it's healing properties.-3254.5.1.2// Multnomah County Scrip (one dollar) March 27, 1933-1978.32.6// Twenty eight deeds from Jackson County Oregon including 3 for Samuel Cozzens, an African American man.-1978.67.107B// Brown paper with nine black and white, oval portraits of women.-2002.89.1// 1862 Oregon Democratic Ticket - for Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, and Public Printer also for Jackson County, State Senator, County Judge, Commissioner etc. Publisher, S.H. Henner, of Jacksonville Civilian.-2006.8.8// Christmas card (hand made, tied, with blotter)-1984.91.48// Reddy House, Folder includes photographs and negatives-2024.20.4 // 4 proof sheets of structures in Ashland - not identified-2024.20.6

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Source Reference