The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.


Box with the following:1. Folders containing: 1993.109.1 to .6, and .7.1 to .7.3 Pickens; MS 79

Box with the following://1. Folders containing: 1993.109.1 to .6, and .7.1 to .7.3 Pickens; // MS 797--Pacific and Eastern Railroad photos 1910-17//2. Box of Medco 1959-61 negatives labeled "Railroad"//3. Box of Medco 1952-60 negatives labeled "Sawmill
"//4. Box of Medco 1920s-1960 negatives labeled "Logging"//5. Box of 8mm movie film labeled "Logging July 1949"//6. Box of movie film labeled "President Ford at Medco Plywood // Plant 1976"//Original artwork for 1940s map showing Medco Railroad and logging camps//Medco News Views newsletter 1963-67//Medco clippings, brochures 1975-87


Folder: Research for articles for the Medco View
Negatives: "Power house fuel pile" referencing MS797
Folder: "No Admittance signs and pictures trains in Butte Falls P+E R.R. 1910-1917 referencing MS797
Folder: Kodachrome movie, 8mm, in box, "President Ford, Sat May 22, 1976 at Medco Plywood Plant. Also newspaper clippings of Ford at Medford Airport - 1993.109.7.1
Newspaper: Excerpt from The Mail Tribune, June 6, 1985, "Medford's 1rst Century
Film: Kodachrome, color movie film, for 8mm cameras, "K.E. Pickens, Medco, 1959 - 1993.7.2
Film: Kodachrome, 8mm film, "Logging, July 1949." Originals to VHS tape, 1993.7.3
News letter: News Medco Views Medco News letter 1963 - 1967 - 1993.109.2
Brochure: Fact Sheet on Medford Corp. Medite Plant 1975 - 1993.109.6
Newspaper: Medford Mail Tribune newspaper clippings pertaining to the sale of Medco to Amalgamated Sugar in 1984 - 1993.109.3
Hand drawn map of Butte Falls, Eagle Point and Camp White logging area

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Source Reference