Box contains://Loose://1. "Specifications: Building for Mr. E. K. Anderson - 1889" C. W. // Ayers, Architect (at his farm on Wagner Creek)//2. Plan for the Replat of the Alfa Addition in Ashland, 1916//3. Ashland High School diploma for Walter Phillips
, 1913//4. House plan, 1934 - Anderson papers MS 437//5. House exterior elevation - Anderson papers MS 437//6. House plans for A. B. Anderson, 1913, from William Penter//7. Four views (north, east, south, and west) from the Singer // Tower in New York
City - 1909//8. Southern Oregon State Normal School diploma, 1898 - // Anderson papers MS 437//9. "Standard War Atlas" published by the Seattle Post // Intelligencer (Spanish-American War)//10. State Diploma from the Oregon Department of Public //