Books, booklets, periodicals:// Riddles and Charades, 1842; 1956.191 Curtis, M.L.// The Book of Trades; 0.2625.5 Larson// Willie's Western Visit; 1968.132.3.1 Brignell// Gray's Elegy// The Little Webster 18,000 Word Dictionary; // 1964.009.2 Kiss
inger// The Good Scholar, 1863// History of the Charlotte Temple Vol I, 1803; // 0.0596/2 Converse, Carol// The Complaint or Night Thoughts// Johnson's Dictionary, 1849; 0.2233 Luy, Minnie// The Works of Horace, 2 volumns,, 1808; // 0.3250/2 C
ochran, Frances// Don Quixote, 4 volumns, 1829; 3249/4 Cochran, Frances