(Continued) Box contains: CATCHALL BOX//"Record of Expansion Joints and Contraction Cracks on // Concrete Pavement in Jackson County - Medford to // Central Point" - Frank Kittridge 1914--Pacific Highway//"History of St. Peter's Lutheran Church" 19
78//Magazine - "True West" May 1987 (article on Jacksonville)//"Journals from the Gloucester Experiment: A School Community // Partnership Experiment" 1974//Insurance policy for Pioneer Village, Jacksonville 1976//List of purchasers of the "Washington-
Oregon Survey" ca. 1910//Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for inclusion // on Historic Register for The Catholic Rectory and // Beekman Bank//Catalogs for the Gossard Corsetiere 1926, 28//Misc. SOHS materials//New Year's greeting card