Three ring binder clippings, photos, memorabilia about the Hodson family and business in Medford, Oregon 1869-1944. Driver's license for Lizzie E Hodson, 2022.56.1
Three ring binder, Southern Oregon History Revised about William Marcellus Hodson Sep 19,1869 - May 9, 1944. other Hodson family in the back of the notebook, 2022.56.2
Binder: Save the Auto Camps by Stephen R. Mark History 382 Southern Oregon State College 1991/ slides. 2022.58.1
Scrap book and pictures of Lucius Kinkaid and his racing history, 2022.53.1
West Side Cook Book Home Economics Extension Unit Jackson County, OR 1950, 2019.66.6
Document: Secretaria De Industria Y Comercio - document all in Spanish for a 3 day pass in 1969, 2019.66.10
Annual Report Ben B Cheney Foundation, Plat map of "Cheney Place, Brochure: General Information brochure about the Cheney foundation in Tacoma, WA, 2019.66.14
Letter: Envelope and letter from Cheney Forest Products- John Fleeger to Francis I Cheney dated 15 Feb 1974
Newspaper clippings: Obituaries/articles about Ben B. Cheney
Letter Head: Blank pages with Cheney Studs letterhead , 2019.66.8
Christmas Cards from Francis Cheney, 2019.66.9
B/W photograph of Rand Information Center in Merlin, Oregon, 2022.48.4-6
Compact Disc: Celia's House in Holmes Park 2017, 2022.48.1
B/W photographs of the interior of the SOS packing house, Medford, OR, 2022.48.2-3
B/W photographs of the Blue Ledge Mine 1940's, Elliott Creek, Hutton, residents, Cinnabar Springs, CA 1908, 2022.54.*
Letter: from Eric W. Anderson to Frank Carnahan, manager of Blue Ledge Mine, dated June 24, 1907
Newspaper clipping: 1940 article Big Applegate, April 23: Fire at Joe Bar Destroys half of old mining town, 2022.54.3
Recreation guide to Oregon by Pacific Northwest Bell, promotional record "Holiday in Oregon", Mail Tribune (Tempo) 1971, annual report, California-Pacific Utilities Company 1965, magazine, Oregon Music Educator 1966, magazine, Cascades magazine of Pacific Northwest Bell 1966
Correspondence: Department of Food and Agriculture 1983, Border Station Operation Schedules, Exterior Pest Exclusion Program,
Program: Upper Rogue Festival '83
Annual Report: Jackson County Vector 1973, Medford School Directory 1972-73, Postal Life 1975,
Christmas card Mr. and Mrs. William Story, 1958.113.4.16
Program: University of Oregon Closing Exercises 1884
Envelope for Darling Studio (Kodak finishing prices)
Annual Report: Jackson County Weed Control1975-76
Newspaper article/ B/W picture of Steamboat School
Magazine: Frank Leslie's Boys and Girls Weekly 1872
B/W photograph of a man standing in front of his car having just crossed over a wooden bridge, 2022.56.5
Magazine: The Puritan 1898, Lewis and Clark Journal 1905
black and white photograph of 3 women and 2 children in a convertible car near a hill, 2022.56.7
W H Hodson in a 1908 Buick Model F 2 Lung North of Glendale, Oregon, 2022.56.4
William and Lizzie Brown Hodson about 1908 sitting in a convertible car in Medford, OR, 2022.56.3