The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
016655 | Creagar, Jack; Prentice, Bill; Sexton, Harold; Teutsch, Tom |
016656 | Six men with skis and snowshoes, including: Frazier, Bob; Bauer, Mike; Bedency, Bob; Connelly, John; and others from Explorer Post 8 |
016657 | Gold Ray Dam construction. Hillside view of dam site, wooden footbridge; men and women on opposite hillside and in foreground. Gold Hill Area (Or… |
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016658 | Gold Ray Dam. Dam with fish ladder and powerhouse; hillside in background; railroad tracks, man, woman, child in foreground. Gold Hill Area (Or… |
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016659 | Gold Ray Dam powerhouse interior. Gauges and equipment; man at wooden desk. Gold Hill Area (Or.) |
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016660 | Power House at Gold Ray Dam |
016661 | Aerial; Owen Oregon Lumber Co.- Medford Fairgrounds #15 of 18 (negative is in G44 E 3) |
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016662 | Aerial View of Jacksonville #5 of 18 (negative is in G44 E 5) |
016663 | Packing House Fire; Aerial view of Medford, showing fire; 6-1946 #16 of 20 (negative is in G44 E 4) |
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016664 | Aerial view of Ashland, showing Twin Plunges (negative is in G44 E 5) |
016665 | Panoramic view of Talent, Oregon. View of Talent looking to Northeast. On front of photo: ' TALENT ORE'. Talent (Or.) |
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016666 | The Pinnacles, Sand Creek (negative is in G33 B 2) Described on the back of the print (presumably by Alex Sparrow) "The Ku Klux… |
016667 | Airport; Medford; 1929; Airport runway with airplane #5 of 11 |
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016668 | Jacksonville Jubilee (replaced by negative # 19173) |
016669 | First commercial flight from new Medford airport. Medford Mayor and wife, Mrs. Pipes, (center) pose with Copper King Flying Service airplane at… |
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016669.1 | Mayor and Mrs Pipes |
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016670 | First flight at Medford Municipal Airport dedication; 7 of 11 (negative is in G44 E 3) |
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016671 | Lions Club - Jacksonville Jubilee Girls: 6 women in bathing suits in Applegate River #14 of 15 (negative is in G44 E 5) |
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016672 | Baby, colorized photo of baby eating from a bowl |
016673 | Baby |
016674 | Baby |
016675 | Baby |
016676 | Baby, colorized portrait photo of infant in white gown, pink sweather, white crocheted cap |
016677 | Color Postcard of Savage Rapids Dam circa 1960 |
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016678 | Ashland panorama (1) |
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016678.1 | Ashland panorama (2) |
016679 | Street scene on W. Main St. with the Rialto Theatre and the Westside Pharmacy in Medford |
016680 | Butler, Florence (Busey) (Mrs. John) |
016681 | Butler, Arliene |
016682 | Airplane from U. S. Army's World Fliers. The 'New Orleans,' one of two aircraft on U. S. Army round-the-world flight team to be… |
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016683 | Planes and cars at Medford Fairgrounds |
016684 | Butler, Jeunesse and her mother, Butler, Anna Belle |
016685 | Butler, Warren; Butler, Arnel; Butler, Grandmother Anna Belle |
016686 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016687 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016688 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016689 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016690 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016691 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016692 | Oregon National Guard marching on Main St. in Medford; 6-16-1925 |
016693 | Butler, Elsie (Lawrence), wife of Arnel on honeymoon in San Francisco, California |
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016694 | Butler, Arnel on honeymoon in San Francisco, California |
016695 | Savage Rapids Irrigation Dam on Rogue River near Grants Pass in flood |
016696 | Butler family, with Butler: Arliene; Anna Belle; John Henry; Juanita; Jeunesse; Warren; Florence (Busey); Elsie (Lawrence) |
016697 | Butler, John H. with grandson, Bob, son of Arnel |
016698 | Butler, Robert; Butler, Elsie (Lawrence); Horton, Julia Ann (Butler); 8-30-1930 |
016699 | Cars parked by large snowbanks near Crater Lake Lodge; 5-1932 |
016700 | KMED employees in Medford, including: Dunlevy, Jimmy; Duffy, John; Califf, Vic; Schuhard, Dick; Randell, Eddie; Rush, Floyd; Ellison, Jack;… |
016701 | Fish catch at Rippey's Camp. Men, women, children grouped together at a campsite; 18 fish strung on horizontal bamboo pole in front of people… |
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016702 | Pruning at Bear Creek Orchards. Four men on ladders pruning fruit trees in bloom. On front of photo: 'PRUNING-BEAR CREEK ORCHARD MEDFORD ORE… |
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