The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
015724 | "Tank house at rim. Two 5,000 gal. Tanks and room for 1 more" (negative is in G33 B 1) |
015725 | Water tank, west entrance (negative is in G33 B 1) |
015726 | Water tanks (negative is in G33 B 1) |
015727 | Ranger (Sparrow?) filling radiator from can (negative is in G33 B 1) |
015728 | Heavy Trucks Loaded with Equipment, Steam Engine, Tar Pot (see also negative # 18167) (negative is in G33 B 2) |
015729 | Crater Lake rim trail circa 1920 (negative is in G33 B 2) |
015730 | Sparrow, Alex by NPS (government) car in Rim Village with Crater Lake Lodge in the distance (negative is in G33 B 2). This image is in the… |
015731 | Three men in car in front of Prospect post office (negative is in G33 B 2) |
015732 | Studio Building sign (negative is in G33 B 2) |
015733 | Antelope (or elk?) in pen (negative is in G33 B 3) |
015734 | Three women with car inspecting road cut (negative is in G33 B 3) |
015735 | Ranger standing on Rim Road (negative is in G33 B 3) |
015736 | East Entrance with auto (negative is in G33 B 3) |
015737 | Car at park entrance (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015738 | Steam shovel no. 6, seven feet of snow; 5-28-1921 (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015739 | Road (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015740 | Two women at Sun Creek (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015741 | Group in front of building, Government camp, with Sparrow, Alex; 8-17-1916 (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015742 | Office Headquarters (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015743 | Car on road, Mt. Thielson behind (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015744 | Trail to Union Peak (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015745 | Two couples picnicking by road (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015746 | Picnic on rim (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015747 | Team in snow, Engineer's HQ, Munson Valley (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015748 | "From John Mabon" blacksmith shop (negative is in G33 B 4) |
015749 | Dirt road (negative is in G33 B 5) |
015750 | Men by rock monuments (negative is in G33 B 5) |
015751 | Woman by Rim Road (negative is in G33 B 5) |
015752 | Photo of page from MMT, 7-30-1930, showing planes expected to arrive with the Pacific Northwest Air Tour |
015753 | Road building with mules and horses. Mule teams, horse teams, scrapers leveling mountain roadbed |
Scanned | View Photo |
015754 | Trigonia Oil Co. derrick (negative is in G33 B 2) |
015755 | Trigonia Oil Co. derrick (negative is in G33 B 2) |
015756 | Bowling group in the basement of the Dreamland Dancehall, 415 E. Main St., Medford |
015757 | Gillette, Charles |
015758 | Berry, Judge Milton and family |
015759 | Worlow, Lizzie, and "Great Grandma" |
015760 | Purdin, Mary |
015761 | Purdin, Mahlon |
015762 | Purdin, Angie and Ivy |
015763 | Purdin, Fred; 12-1934 |
015764 | Purdin, Mahlon |
015765 | Purdin, Mahlon |
015766 | Purdin, Lee Dewey, Mary Browning, as children dressed in July Fourth costumes, 4th of July, costumes made by their sister Angie Purdin |
Scanned | View Photo |
015767 | Purdin, Mary and Lee as children |
015768 | Purdin, Lyle, as baby |
015769 | Purdin, Lizzie (Mrs. Mahlon) |
015770 | Purdin, Mary Browning as child |
015771 | Purdin, Lee Dewey as child |
015772 | Jacksonville Museum cupola under repair in Jacksonville |
015773 | Newbury, Gus |