The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
015432 | Kay-Marshall Paper Products Inc., exterior, at 22-26 S. Fir St. in Medford |
015433 | Kay-Marshall Paper Products Inc., exterior, at 22-26 S. Fir St. in Medford |
015434 | Big Butte Falls in winter, landscape view of falls, no building |
015435 | Big Butte Falls, landscape view of falls with buildings, panoramic view, photo by E.W. Smith |
015436 | Big Butte Falls in winter (see also negative # 16431), double falls, tressel |
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015437 | Big Butte Falls |
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015438 | Big Butte Falls. Waterfall with large log perpendicular to falls at center; forested background. On front of photo: 'Big Butte Falls, Butte… |
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015439 | Big Butte Falls |
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015440 | Big Butte Falls |
015441 | Boaters on Lake of the Woods; 7-4-1938 #5 of 6 (negative is in G44 E 3) |
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015442 | Boaters on Lake of the Woods; 7-4-1938 1 of 6 (negative is in G44 E 3) |
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015443 | McCloud School near Trail |
015444 | World Flyers |
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015445 | "World Flyers"; group around plane |
015446 | Jerry the Bear Sitting on Stump Licking Popsicle at Casey's Camp on Rogue River 1930s |
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015447 | Sacred Heart Hospital in Medford, operating room |
015448 | Sacred Heart Hospital at Central Ave. in Medford, X-Ray room |
015449 | Medford street scene, looking south on Central at Main; Craterian sign, from Medford Neon |
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015450 | Group in front of H. E. Barr ranch south of Medford |
015451 | 8th grade students at Jacksonville school; 6-3-1904; with: Peter, Mary; Fick, Ida; Washburn, E. E.; Pruitt, Mabel; Wendt, Emma; Henry, Abbie;… |
015452 | Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. |
015453 | Rose, Orlando; carte de visite in photo album 1967.128.1 |
015454 | Scranton, Julia; Skeeters, Charles; rode their bicycles from Kerby to Medford, 1898 |
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015455 | Man with bicycle |
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015456 | Chausse, Will with bicycle in Grants Pass |
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015457 | B. F. Myer house at 142 N. Main St. in Ashland |
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015458 | Two skaters on a pond |
015459 | A group of women poses for a photograph, possibly taken in Lithia Park, Ashland. Silsby, Maude (later Berry) sits third from left while a Silsby… |
015460 | Hargrove, Anna (4th from left) and possibly the millinery workers posing in their hats outside the Hargrove sisters' millinery shop, Ashland… |
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015461 | Four actors pose on a porch. (left to right) Anna Hargrove, Erma Patrick, Unidentified, Ida Hargrove. |
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015462 | Actors Hargrove, Anna (right) and Ida (left) pose for the camera. (2 negatives with same number but different poses, and perhaps different people… |
015463 | Hargrove, Anna (right) and others gather in photographer Peter Britt's gardens in Jacksonville. |
015464 | Probably the millinery workers in the Hargrove sisters' shop. Hargrove, Anna is third from left. |
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015465 | Unidentified women, probably Hargrove, Anna, poses in the interior of the Hargrove sisters' millinery store, Ashland. |
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015466 | Four women sitting on a fence near the Billing's house off N. Main St., Ashland |
015467 | Hargrove, Ida (right) with two women, probably Hargrove family members. |
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015468 | Medford Ice Arena, exterior (photo sleeve says 15408, but that is incorrect) |
015469 | Team pulling NPS truck in snow (see also negative #15298) |
015470 | Employees and truck of Tru-Mix Concrete Co., Medford |
015471 | Tru-Mix work crew, Medford |
015472 | Stuart, Miles during WWI |
015473 | Stuart, Miles and 2 other men at Stuart-built Water Treatment Plant, Grants Pass |
015474 | Football team at Southern Oregon State Normal School in Ashland, posing on steps, other students watching from windows |
015475 | Elks Temple at 202 N Central, under construction in Medford |
015476 | Stuart, Miles and 2 other men at college |
015477 | Stuart, Miles "The Colonel"? in WWI Army uniform |
015478 | Stuart and Sons; logging operations |
015479 | Stuart and Sons; logging operations |
015480 | Stuart and Sons logging operation. Clear-cut area with downed timber and stacked logs; log loader stacking logs. Oregon, Southern |
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015481 | Stuart and Sons; Crane working with logs |