The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
015334 | Dean, Nathaniel C. |
015335 | Dean, Anna Huston |
015336 | Police Officers destroying slot machines, with: Bettiol, Paul; Holley, Fay; Walsh, Joe |
015337 | Smudge crew |
015338 | School census |
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015339 | Hope, Colleen (dance teacher) at RVCC |
015340 | Group of people on Bear Creek Bridge in Medford coming into town for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show; 9-28-1908 |
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015341 | Old mill wheel at Kubli Mill; 1-1-1963 (see also negative # 1976) |
015342 | Copco's Prospect Power Plant |
015343 | TV election coverage, 11-1964 |
015344 | Medford High School student Kathy Foley welcome at Medford Airport; 5-1964 |
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015345 | Aerial view of Medford |
015346 | Summit Mt. Pitt |
015347 | Groundbreaking for White City Industrial Park, with Hatfield, Gov. Mark; Potts, Paula; Riggs, Teresa; Elmgren, Nancy; 10-29-1964 |
015348 | Copying press from Beekman Bank in Jacksonville |
015349 | Goodwin, Marsh, Ida Hargrove's nephew, poses with a horse in the hills above Ashland. |
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015350 | Neil, Mr. R. P. with two unidentified girls and dog. Photo possibly taken during Mr. Neil's historic automobile trip to Cape Blanco, 8-1911… |
015351 | Two unidentified women pose inside the Hargrove house on N. Main. Photo taken before 12-1909 when the new Hargrove home was completed at 185… |
015352 | A group poses for the camera. Hargrove, Ida sits (right) on the swing, Lane, Clarence stands (center) at the back, and Hargrove, Anna sits (far… |
015353 | Simpson, Harold and Glenn (far right) are pictured with playmates at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Glenn. The house is located… |
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015354 | The Ashland Tidings reported that the 1898 Fourth of July parade was the most memorable celebration in Southern Oregon. The spirit of patriotism… |
015355 | Neil, Mr. R. P. (Robert); Hargrove, Miss Ida; and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. left Ashland on 8-10-1911 for Port Orford, Oregon. Mr. Glenn reported… |
015356 | Four generations of family pose about 1902. (left to right) Front row: Simpson, Harold and Glenn. Middle row: Hargrove, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben.… |
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015357 | Interior of the Hargrove sisters' millinery shop, Ashland. Possibly the site of an informal wedding |
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015358 | Goodwin family and friends take a fishing trip to the Ashand Creek Canyon. |
015359 | Thomas H. Simpson Lumber Yard, Ashland, with Grizzly Peak in distance |
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015360 | Hargrove, Ida (third from left) and friends are gathered in photographer Peter Britt's garden in Jacksonville. |
015361 | An interior view of one of the rooms in the Hargrove home in Ashland, depicting the Victorian style of the day. |
015362 | In the yard of the Hargrove home at N. Main and Skidmore, Ashland. (left to right): Glenn, Mary Catherine; Glenn, D. L.; Hargrove, Reuben; Goodwin… |
015363 | Schulz, Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich with 3 boys and 1 girl (same as 13269) |
015364 | Post Office employees in Medford, with: Nichols, F. Edwin; York, Earl H.; Sheets, M. F.; Maddox, Rupert B.; Calder, Richard J.; Lyon, Ray W.;… |
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015364.01 | View Photo | ||
015365 | National Park Service Director Mason on Grinnel Glacier |
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015366 | Oatman, Olive |
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015367 | Program for Medford High School Class of 1897 Graduation Ceremony |
015368 | Stock certificate for Wright Snow Plow, Inc. |
015369 | Stock certificate for Lake of the Woods Recreation Co. |
015370 | Test questions for 8th grade diploma |
015371 | Plat of a land claim |
015372 | Certificate in Swiss or German (Redmen Order?) |
015373 | St. Mary's Academy in Jacksonville, with: de Bar, Tex; Donegan, Josephine; Olwell, Daisy; Coffman, Margaret Mary Schumpf; and others (2… |
015374 | Welch, Bertha H. at Crater Lake |
015375 | Group of teachers on the steps of Medford High School, including: Welch, Bertha |
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015376 | 2nd grade students and teacher at Applegate School |
015377 | 8th grade graduation at Jacksonville School; 6-3-1904, with: Peter. Mary; Fick, Ida; Washburn, E. E.; Pruitt, Mabel; Wendt, Emma; Henry, Abbie;… |
015378 | Smith, E. W.; with camera; 8-2-1978 |
015379 | Employees outside Omar's restaurant, Ashland, July 1950 |
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015380 | Omar's Restaurant in Ashland |
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015381 | Students and teachers at Dewey School; including Hartman, ?; Vilas, Ned |
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015382 | Logg, Francis at Logg plot in Jacksonville Cemetery |