The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
013417 | WWII poster - "…because somebody talked!" |
013418 | Davidson, Mel, as prisoner of war |
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013419 | Boy in patriotic costume |
013420 | Morgan, Martha; Terry, Juene E.; Morgan, Arva Melvin; Bluett, Dorothy and Charles; Ukiah, California (Martha Morgan-daughter of the Bennett… |
013421 | Gribble, John and Catherine as children |
013422 | Xavier, Father (this negative is retired, see negative #10452) |
013423 | Orth, Mrs. John (Ellen) |
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013424 | Lincoln School students and teacher in Medford, including Balero, Cathy (nee Corbin); and many others |
013425 | Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. |
013426 | Morrison, Louis William (10 mo.) |
013427 | Murphy, Gladys Marie (18 mo.) |
013428 | Gaddis, Katherine Mary(?) Angle |
013429 | Beall, Ann Maria (nee Riddle) with cane |
013430 | Scott, Melissa; Briner, Mabel McGraw |
013431 | Russell, Ann Haseltine Hill |
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013432 | Britt, Emil; Britt, Mollie; Miller, Mr. and Mrs.; at Butte Falls Fish Hatchery; 8-14-1927 |
013433 | Negative missing, no description of image |
013434 | Grieve, James E. pumping gas at Prospect |
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013435 | Street scene in Rogue River |
013436 | American Association of General Passenger Agents at Edgewood on Siskiyou Line near Mt. Shasta; large crowd on railroad tracks |
013437 | Crowd around Rogue River Valley Railroad engine and coach |
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013438 | Southern Pacific Railroad train stopped at Colestin |
013439 | Williams, Jane (nee Woodford) |
013440 | Williams, Jane (nee Woodford) and 6 others seated on the grass at "Leona Heights"; 5-30-1905 |
013441 | Lunsden home on S. Holly St. in Medford, with Woodford, Jean; Williams, Maury W.; in front |
013442 | Large number of buggies parked, people walking by in Jacksonville |
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013443 | Washington School, Class of 1920, with: Daily, Marjorie; Crawford, Aileen; Waldron, Elton; Schoeni, Arthur; Phelps, Fredrich; Harrel, William;… |
013444 | Man herding cattle. Man wearing hat and cape on horse among herd of cattle, horse with saddle by his side; two dogs on left, two men walking away… |
Scanned | View Photo |
013445 | View over Jacksonville looking west from Courthouse cupola |
013446 | Woman |
013447 | Parker, Will |
013448 | Negative missing, no description of image |
013449 | View over Jacksonville from Britt hill with woman in foreground |
013450 | Helman house in Ashland |
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013451 | Man with wagon and horses about to cross Bear Creek; Table Rocks in the distance (see also negative # 10882) |
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013452 | McLoughlin, Dr. John |
013453 | View of Roseburg looking west, with Mt. Nebo in distance |
013454 | Looking north past the Plaza up N. Main St. and Bear Creek Valley toward Medford from Ashland (see also negative # 111) |
013455 | Bowne, Walter and others on trip to Crater Lake |
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013456 | Gilbert, Van R. driving a 1907 Buick |
013457 | Man and 3 women in auto |
013458 | View over Jacksonville to the east |
013459 | 4th and 5th grade students and teacher outside Jacksonville School, including: Conley, Ben; McGinty, Bruce; Whitney, Delbert; Henspeter, Paul;… |
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013459.01 | View Photo | ||
013460 | 4th and 5th grade students outside Jacksonville School; including: Brooks, Bud; Gravelle, Thelma; Whitney, Violet; Thomas, Lavonne; Miller, Jessa… |
013460.01 | View Photo | ||
013460.04 | Lerman, Jeannette; Brown, Betty; Conklin, Virgil; Graham, Ruby; McGinty, Bruce; Smith, Clara; Williams, Rebecca; Conklin, Bonnie; Lawrence, Ethel… |
013460.05 | Conklin, Virgil; Graham, Ruby; McGinty, Bruce; Smith, Clara; Williams, Rebecca; Conklin, Bonnie; 1-28-1938 |
013461 | Cole, Byron family, with: Cole, Byron Jr.; Poor, Mrs. Emma; Cole, Hugh; Cole, Herbert; Zent, Mrs. Jessie; Cole, Jules; Cole, Clayton; Sullaway,… |
013462 | Bird's-eye view of Gold Hill in snow |