The SOHS Library is OPEN to the public at 106 N. Central Avenue in Medford, with FREE access to the SOHS Archives, from 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments are not necessary. Please contact, or call 541-622-2025 ex 200 to ask questions or request research.
Title | Body | Scan Location | Photo Link |
013169 | Mann's Department Store in Medford, window display |
013170 | Mann's Department Store in Medford, window display |
013171 | Mann's Department Store in Medford, window display |
013172 | Mann's Department Store in Medford, window display |
013173 | Mann's Department Store in Medford, interior, with very large crowd during Mann's Anniversary Sale, includes: Moffat, John |
013174 | Moffat, John, Bill, Mary, John Jr. |
013175 | Mann's Department Store on Central Ave. in Medford, exterior |
Scanned | |
013176 | Mann's Department Store on Central Ave. in Medford, interior, after cave-in |
013177 | Three employees dressed in costumes at Mann's Department Store, Central Ave., Medford |
013178 | Mann's Department Store in Medford, window display |
013179 | Nine men, members of the Jackson County Bank Board of Trustees, including: Mann, John; Fields, Mr.; Butler, Arnel; Bergstrom, Hilding; Bigelow,… |
013180 | Crawford, Jack; and 3 other Mann's Department Store employees in Medford |
013181 | Eagle Brewery Saloon building - Eugene Bennett Studio in Jacksonville |
Scanned | |
013182 | Britt house and brewery in Jacksonville (see also negative # 12717) |
013183 | Wetterer, Fredericka (Mrs. Joseph B.) |
Scanned | |
013184 | Jenson, Albert James |
013185 | Pacific Highway crossing itself and railroad track, with train below bridge |
013186 | Rogue River Valley Railroad engine and coaches in Medford |
013187 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013188 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013189 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013190 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013191 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013192 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013193 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013194 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013195 | Birdseye house the day after the fire; 11-24-1990 |
013196 | Hicks, Vera Ann and another girl |
013197 | Taylor/Conklin home at 1334 Reddy Ave. in Medford |
013198 | Hicks, Vera Ann at the piano |
013199 | Hicks, Vera Ann and another girl |
013200 | Real, Vera Ann Hicks, and another girl |
013201 | Robinson, Dorland as baby |
013202 | Robinson, Dorland as baby |
013203 | Robinson, Dorland as child |
013204 | Stagecoach waiting in Kerby |
013205 | Hodges, Millie, cranking car |
013206 | Garvey, R. H.; woman sidesaddle on horse |
013207 | Gore, Mrs. E. E. and others (Gilmore, Mrs.; Fore, John; Warner, Robert L.)?; Christmas |
013208 | Dorris, George |
013209 | Lewis, Ray as baby |
013210 | Bombing of Battleship Arizona at Pearl Harbor; 12-7-1941 |
013211 | McArthur signing the surrender documents on board the U. S. S. Missouri, 8-1945 |
013212 | Churchill, Winston; Roosevelt, Franklin; Chiang Kai-Shek; Chiang, Madame; in Cairo, Egypt; 11-25-1943 |
013213 | Cordiero, Frank with a camera on Christmas Hill, Korea |
013214 | Cordiero, Frank with camera at International Military Tribunal, Far East |
013215 | Negative missing, no description of image |
013216 | Artist's camp, Colestin |
013217 | Street scene on Miner St. in Yreka, California |
013218 | Howell cabin near Ashland with 3 men and 3 women |